Customer Service
Fun SMC trivia

Employees must report all exposures of blood and body fluids immediately by notifying their supervisor or the charge nurse if their supervisor is not available.

What is the responsibility of all employees?


Two page required document that all patients sign giving permission to treat.

What is Authorization to Treat


Pharmacy's restriction of staff per shift.

Only the charge nurse can enter pharmacy during shift when the pharmacist is not present.


Hello, Med/Surg, Karen RN speaking,  how may I help you?

Correct way to answer the phone.

 Place, Name, title, and how may I help?


Year and month our hospital broke ground.

September of 2003.


Needle stick

Suture installation that breaks the skin of the physician

 Broken glass that cuts the person picking it up

What is a bloodborne exposure?


Medicare requires that this document be signed, dated, and timed, on admission, and 4 hours prior to discharge.  It explains the patient's rights as a Medicare recipient.

What is the Important Medicare Message? (IMM)

A pharmacist either on site or off site must do this before the medication can be given to the patient.

What is profile medication?


Patient is screened at the front door and assisted to registration.  He is here for an EKG, and lab draw. He is registered and Lab comes to the lobby to retrieve the patient.  Lab tech completes service.  What happens next?

Patient is to be escorted back to the lobby and admission is  notified that the patient still needs an EKG.  Admission calls the other department to come and escort the patient to receive his EKG.


Year that our hospital went to critical access status.



Suffered a needle stick while trying to start an IV.  I have washed the site, and reported to my manager.  My next step is:

What register and be seen in the ED which is following the bloodborne exposure policy. This is located in the red folder in ED.


This form documents the patients mental condition every 15 minutes.  It is required when a patient is on this precaution.

What is suicide precaution checklist?


Number of times an additive can be added to an IV fluid bag. (This would be mixing of medications in an IV fluid bag)

What is 2 times.


Patient comes the nurses station and there is lots of internal conversation going on.  What should happen next?

Stop talking to staff members and address the patient, how may I help you?


Number of Staff members with more than 15 years.

Greater than 20


Vaccination that is available at no charge to all staff.  It consists of 3 shots over 6 months.  It gives immunity in case of a bloodborne exposure.  A titer can be drawn to see if you have developed immunity.

What is hepatitis B vaccination?


Form that the physician must sign to keep a mentally ill patient from leaving because they are a harm to themselves or others.

What is Affidavit that must be signed by the physician and notarized and faxed to prosecuting attorney, health and welfare, and the sheriffs department. 


Medication that is added to IV fluids that is required to be kept in the pharmacy due to possible death if injected.

What is Potassium chloride.


A staff member is speaking about another staff member's business. What should happen next?

Please remind all staff members that this is not appropriate.  We are a team at SMC, and it is our job to support each other.  Kindness matters.


Number of staff that we currently employ

135 which is quite a jump!


A report that must be filed before the employee leaves work stating the facts surrounding the incident.

What is an occurrence report?


Form that the patient signs to direct their medical treatment if they become unable to communicate.

Advance directive or POST


Before administering medication these rights must be performed.

1. Right patient

2. Right drug

3. Right dose

4. Right route

5. Right time


CNA's are quick to answer call lights.  As the charge RN, you realize that the patient will need two people to transfer to the commode.  What happens next?

Stop what you are doing and go and help the CNA.  We are all part of a team and need to anticipate when the other may need assistance.

Non-profit group that supplies nursing homes Christmas presents for residents, donates new equipment to our hospital, works with administration to supply fun things for our children's health fair.  Donations can be automatically deducted from your pay check.

What is the Shoshone Foundation.