A user needs this type of record to be able to log in to hyperspace
EMP- user
This record is where you attach view records for greaseboards and trackboards
Profile record
Most likely to be seen eating ice chips
The profile hierarchy
User > Security Class > Department > Location > Service Area > System definitions
These records are used for documenting patient care, such as vitals, and they consist of a template of rows or groups of rows
FLO- flowsheet rows/groups
In the department record, you can skip to the ED/L&D settings by using this key.
Most likely to be seen drinking a cup of tea
In text, you must enter this when accessing Bugsy through programmer access
This master file contains records that define groups of procedures and procedure categories that are counted as duplicate orders, as well as the time intervals and encounters within which to check for them
LDG- procedure duplicate check groups
For a pregnant patient, office visits, hospital admissions, and postpartum visits are bundled into a pregnancy ______. Each unique pregnancy will have its own.
Most likely to be seen eating lunch in the break room
Wes (and Lisa) or Lara (and Michael)
In order to make your navigator available to users you must link it to a ________.
Workflow Engine rule
This master file contains three types of records used to customize the history section of the visit navigator: template, topic, and question
LQH- Visit Navigator History Template
Clinicians use this to document the details surrounding the birth of a baby.
Delivery Summary
Most likely to sneeze the loudest
Reisha <3
The non‐inpatient departments of your hospital that see both inpatients and outpatients
This master file contains information about the scoring systems for clinical monitoring through patient lists, including the rules used in the scoring system and display information.
HDA- Acuity Systems
Narrators consist of flowsheets, events, and _____ groups
toolbox groups
Most likely to have chocolate on his/her desk
Press these keys in order to display navigator information
Shift + Ctrl + Alt + F10 + F12