Used to protect the public while providing the most appropriate intervention and supervision for a juvenile
What is electronic monitoring?
Process of collaboration which helps engage the indvidual.
What is case planning?
When requesting installation of electronic monitoring equipment, this must be sent to BI via email.
What is Electronic Monitoring Enrollment Form(CS 012)?
The number of days you have to meet with a juvenile at his/her home after being placed on probation.
What is 14 days?
This is what the juvenile and the parent/guardian must do prior to installation.
What is sign the Electronic Monitoring Rules and Regulations and Acceptance of Equipment Agreement(CS 027)
If ordered by the court, a juvenile on Level 2 may be placed on electronic monitoring at the discretion of...
Who is Chief Court Counselor?
Could include peer group influences or environments
What are external triggers?
An occurrence that triggers a record log entry. For example, a client leaves their electronic monitoring beacon's range during a scheduled curfew period.
What is an event?
The number of days one should be updating R/N/S, CJleads, and Gang Assessment.
What is 90 days?
A notification from the electronic monitoring vendor indicating the juvenile is not complying with their electronic monitoring requirements(i.e., schedules, zones, or possible tampering with equipment)
What is an alert?
If there is no court order then the CC shall respond in this amount of time with a F2F contact at the juvenile's home for a pre-adjudicated violent offender.
What is one hour?
Might include thoughts, attitudes, feelings, anger, etc
What are internal triggers?
This is how often the on-call CC shall check alerts on weekends and holidays.
What is every 24 hours?
Within 10 days of being placed on a diversion or on probation.
What is make referrals and program assignments?
Upon termination of EM services, it is in this amount of time that the CC shall remove the EM equipment from the juvenile and the juvenile's residence.
What is 24 hours?
If there is no court order then the CC shall respond in this amount of time with a F2F contact at the juvenile's home for a post disposition violent offender
What is as soon as practical but at least within 24 hours of notice of violation?
Action steps should be this
What is small, measurable, attainable, realistic, and timely.
This is where you need to enter information in NCJOIN explaining all steps taken in response to a violation.
What is a case note and the NCJOIN electronic Monitoring section?
Minimum time spent working on behalf of youth per week for a case under standard management.
What is one hour?
This is the 2nd thing you do upon notification from BI of an EM violation for a violent offender(class A-E felony)
What is notify the supervisor on call to inform her of EM violation?
Defined geographic areas where a monitored juvenile is required to be during specific time periods.
What is Inclusion Zones?
These are 3 types of actions steps.
What are services, supports, and strategies?
This is the 1st thing you do upon notification from BI of an EM violation for a violent offender(class A-E felony)
What is call the juvenile/parent immediately after speaking with BI to address violation?
Verbal notification before school starts next day and written within 5 days.
What is felony school notification?
Defined geographic areas that the juvenile is prohibited from entering.
What is Exclusion Zones?