Social Security
Prescription Drugs
Long Term Care
Voting Safely in 2020

This is the earliest age you can begin receiving Social Security retirement benefits.

What is age 62?


This program provides affordable health care for 62 million people age 65 and older and people with disabilities.

What is Medicare?


This issue forces many older Americans to make decisions between taking needed medication and putting food on the table.

What are high prescription drug costs?


These 48 million people provide unpaid care to their loved ones.

Who are family caregivers?


The issue most important to you in this Presidential election

What is RX drug prices?


Ida May Fuller received her first check dated January 31, 1940 for $22.54.

Who was the first Social Security beneficiary?


This insurance benefit was added to Medicare in 2006 to help Medicare beneficiaries cover cost of prescription drugs

What is Medicare Part D


This country pays more for prescription drugs than any other country in the world.

What is the United States of America?


AARP is fighting to save lives in these facilities and protect seniors from coronavirus by urging government officials to take action and implement commonsense policies like regular testing, improved transparency in reporting cases, and required virtual visitation.

What are nursing home or long-term care facilities


Historically, this age voting block is the most reliable and consistent when it comes to overall voting participation.

Who are age 50-plus voters?


The 2020 average monthly benefit that retirees receive from Social Security.

What is $1,500.00?


The open enrollment period when eligible individuals can enroll in or change their Medicare starts in this month every year.

What is October?


This accounted for $1.00 out of every $5.00 that Medicare beneficiaries spend out-of-pocket on health care.

What are prescription drugs


The percentage of income, on average, that family caregivers spend on caregiving activities

What is 20 percent?


Three options for voting in many states are: early in-person voting, in-person voting, and (blank) _______.

What is absentee voting or voting by mail?


2020 marks this birthday milestone for Social Security

What is 85 years?


This part of Medicare covers inpatient hospital care, skilled nursing facility care, and home health services.

What is Medicare Part A


This industry annually spends nearly $175 million for lobbying and more than $6 billion on advertising.

Who is the pharmaceutical industry?


On average in 2019, it costs $102,204 annually for a private room in one of these facilities.

What is a nursing home?


Steps to take to ensure your absentee ballot is not rejected.

What is signing and dating the absentee ballot? What is mailing the absentee ballot early?


One out of every four households relies on Social Security for _________ % or more of their income.

What is 90%?


This government website allows you to research, compare, and enroll in a Medicare plan.


In 2019 alone, AARP fought hard on this issue and saw successes with 26 state legislatures passing 40 bills that AARP supported.

What is lowering prescription drug prices?


Family caregivers provide this, it has an estimated value of $470 billion annually.

What is unpaid care to loved ones?


AARP’s voting website is available to help you find this information.

What is how to locate my polling place? What is how to get a mail-ballot? What is how vote?