Three most commonly used diactritics
The Arabic translation for the word "Flag"
The pronuciation of the number 0
مش عارف
What are ف و ج
The Egyptian and MSA words that translate to "car"
عربية و سيارة
The Arabic word for the number 100
In arabic, one way to ask, "I know the answer..."
أنا بَعرَف
أ د ذ ر ز و Are known as what type of scripts
Non-conncting letters
"I go" is expressed in arabic as?
انا باروح
الساعة و احدَة
Translates to 1300
ما بَحبَّش
All forms of the character ه
ه، هوه، الهم، لامه
the word for a female colleague?
اتنين و أربعين
كم ميد الية
The order of the ABJAD
أ ب ت ث جح خ د ذ ر ز س ش ص ض ط ظ ع غ ف ق ك ل م ن ه و ي
In Arabic, what color would you use to describe the flower commonly known as "violets"
How would you express the time, 1745 in arabic?
الساعة ستِة اءلّا رُبع
رايحة السينما النهار ده
"let's go to the cinema today?"