What classic movie has the famous line "I see dead people"?
The Sixth Sense (1999)
What caused vampires to become "mainstream?"
Bram Stoker's 1897 novel Dracula
This was inspired by Slavic folklore and their idea of the dead drinking the blood of the living in order to explain contagious diseases. If someone in a village died and then someone else became sick, it was blamed on the deceased coming back to harm them.
People in the US can enjoy walking through mazes of this vegetable in the late summer/early fall
Generally in season starting mid September and can go all the way to mid December depending on where it's planted
When is the best time to see fall leaves in the canyons of Utah?
The last 2 weeks of September. Fall colors usually peak in the 3rd week.
This soup is often said to be good for the soul
Chicken Soup
Which classic Disney Channel movie features a family of witches who must use Merlin's talisman to defeat the hooded villain?
Halloweentown (1998)
What creature is used to explore new fears of contagion, nuclear war, a post-apocalyptic future, and even suburban boredom?
Slaves in Haiti, drawing on African religion, developed the idea as a metaphor for the brutal conditions they lived under.
Illinois grows 90-95% of the (processed) units of this fruit
In season in early fall
What is the state tree of Utah?
Colorado Blue Spruce up until 2014
Double points if the guess includes the Quaking Aspen, the new state tree as of 2014
What does the term "condensed soup" mean?
What year did Thackery Binx die in the classic film Hocus Pocus (1993)?
These shapeshifters are as old as mythology itself and figure in stories from many different cultures
They're featured everywhere from Greek to Nordic to Native American mythology. Wearing the skin of an animal in order to sneak up while hunting may have also become a way to scare other tribes. Plus, the werewolf may have a scientific basis; rabies, for example, could cause people to go on wolf-like rampages.
This fruit is grown in all 50 states and the largest one recorded weighed 3 lbs
In season late summer to fall
How does one identify a Quaking Aspen?
Their smooth, white bark marked by black scars where lower branches are naturally self-pruned. Their leaves are somewhat heart shaped, with finely saw-toothed margins and range in size from 1.25-3" long.
Because of the way that it is.
How long has soup been eaten by humans?
Evidence of the existence of soup can be found as far back as about 20,000 BC.
What classic Halloween movie has a character who brings gifts to all of the sincere and believing little girls and boys?
It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown (1966)
This creature can function as a metaphor for the dual nature of human existence.
The notion of a dynamic between good and bad creatures—such as angels and demons—goes back to ancient times.
Average consumption of this vegetable is estimated to be about 2 lbs per person per year
Fresh garlic is at its best when harvested in late summer/fall
Most species of this tree are deciduous (shed their leaves annually), and many are renowned for their autumn leaf color, but a few in southern Asia and the Mediterranean region are evergreen
Maple Trees
What does the term "Duck soup" mean?
A task that is particularly easy
The main villain's mask in this classic movie was modelled after Captain Kirk from Star Trek
Halloween (1978)
Sightings of this creature have been recorded since Ancient Roman times
Our notion of ghosts is as varied as it is old. It comes from the idea that people have souls separate from their bodies, and thus live on after death, occasionally sticking around to haunt the living.
The tree for this fruit can live over 200 years
In season from Oct-Dec in warmer climates
What tree(s) is indigenous to Logan, UT?
The single tree indigenous to Logan is the goat willow, which is a small, shrubby tree that grows along the rivers.
Name the top 5 most popular soups in the US
Chicken Noodle, Tomato Soup, Clam Chowder, Potato Soup, and Minestrone