Spiritual Activities
During Covid
Getting Creative
Quarantine Regrets

According to the drama in this summer's convention featuring Nehemiah, this is an acceptable way to express frustration with someone.

What is grabbing of the beard?


This accessory has quickly become the symbol of the pandemic, however is wearing it around your chin really helping anyone? 

What is a mask?


Once considered appropriate only for bedtime stories, this fashion trend is now rocked all day long and has been relabeled "loungewear." 

What are pajamas? (aka pajamy-jams, PJs)


During quarantine this hobby has "risen" in popularity "proving" that many people "knead" to expand their skill set in the kitchen. 

What is making sourdough bread? 


Lockdown emboldened some men to experiment with this furry facial trend.  

What is a moustache?


Name a random product that you wish you would have invested in pre-pandemic.

What are ... zoom, hand sanitizer, led ring lights? 


In the video series "Experience the Joy of Disciple-Making," some of the expressions Jade used that confounded Nita.

What are "wicked" and "totally"?

But in Nita's defense... what the heck even does "totally" mean? Someone, please. Explain it.


These social greetings that were previously considered harmless are now avoided like the "plague" they transmit. 

What are... hugs, high fives, handshakes... even a fist bump is unacceptable?


Tutorials on how to do this professional task have become a top YouTube search, testing trust levels in relationships around the globe.

What is how to cut hair? 


Digital streaming services saw a "spike" in viewers watching these "infectious" movies at the beginning of the pandemic. 

What are Outbreak and Contagion? 


The primary reason an article was published on jw.org about alcoholism and is highlighted regularly on the homepage. 

What is day drinking during the pandemic? You know who you are. ;)


This Zoom feature allows us to visit other worlds and change our surroundings, all while random body parts fade in and out of existence.

What are virtual backgrounds?

Bonus Points: Share your go-to virtual background now!


These were some of the perks of experiencing the convention in our living rooms.  

What are... no smelling tuna fish lunches, no seat saving drama, unlimited pausing privileges, not having to suck it in for your new convention dress, being able to sit down and listen to the entire program...?


The longest stretch of time you've gone without washing your hair.

What is... a week? No judgements here... circle of trust.

Brings to mind the age old philosophical question, "If no one is around to tell if I've washed my hair, is it still filthy?"


The number of different outfits you have actually worn in the past six months. 

What are 2? Casual sweats and formal sweats. 


Name something you were really excited to start and didn't finish... QUITTER!

What is... watercolor, sewing a dress, new workout routine, learn an instrument, learn a language? 


The combination of boredom, stress, being in close proximity to the kitchen all day, and an overabundance of non-perishable food items has been known to lead to this shame-inducing habit.

What is binge-eating? Grazing? Pigging out? 

Call it whatever you want... just drop the cookies, fatso.


Restaurants, vacation destinations, sporting events... all the things. Remember when we did things? Name the first place you want to go when the plague is cleared.

What is...?


After watching the talk by Brother Lett about New World Disciple making, name the historical person that you're looking forward to preaching to. 


Who is....?


According to a recent study, people working from home are doing less of these once essential daily hygiene routines.

What is brushing our teeth... taking a shower... doing our hair...doing laundry? Do we need to keep going?


This has become the new criteria for your #ootd? 

What is... it fits? 


Whether to fight boredom or just laugh to keep from crying, this joke form featuring a humorous image and caption has helped us cope during these turbulent times. 

What are quarantine memes? 

**Bonus Points** Show us your favorite quarantine meme!


The corona consumer *may* be having second thoughts about some of those impulse Amazon purchases. Name a purchase that you made that seemed to make sense at the time.  

What is ...?


Due to a lack of structure, time confusion, memory loss, general apathy, and Groundhog Day Syndrome, you have had to ask this question more than once. 

What is, "What day is it?"

(The answer is always "Blursday")


These have quickly become the most frequently uttered phrases during our congregation zoom meetings.  

What are... "You're muted," "You're still muted," "We can't hear you" "Whoops! You're frozen," "Oh, you sound like a robot"?


One item you considered substituting TP for at the height of the toilet paper shortage. Be honest!

What are... ?


While now optional, pre-pandemic not having on this article of clothing could get you kicked out of some business establishments.

What are shoes? 

**Bonus** Are you wearing shoes right now? 


Thanks to digital streaming we have been able to fill our time with this interactive recreational activity that occasionally asks you "are you still watching...?" 

What is binge-watching on Netflix?

**Bonus Points** Confession time. What shows have you binge-watched?


This grave mistake occurred when you had too much time on your hands and started reconsidering past relationships.

What is awkwardly trying to reconnect with ex-girlfriends/ex-boyfriends? 


This hypothetical character can be seen in her natural habitat sporting a bob haircut, not wearing a mask, and asking to speak to the manager to get two more packages of toilet paper. 

What is a "Karen"?