Which Director is it?
90's Pop Culture
Lingo's Potent Potables
Itinerary Before and After
Celebrities of EF

This Director that oversees Cape Canaveral's territory fittingly spent a summer at Space Camp growing up

Who is Courtney Brass?


This toy, introduced in 1996, would begin to shake and laugh hysterically when squeezed three times in a row

What is tickle me Elmo?


This is the most popular beer on tap in Lingo

What is Guinness


This Ben Stiller classic becomes NYC's go-to hot spot for paleontology lovers.

What is Night at the Museum of Natural History?


This former DJ, known by the street name Fuzzy Fotch, used to keep the party going past 1am at bars like the Middlesex Lounge, the Good Life, and the Squealing Pig. He can now be found eating melatonin and watching the best of Rick Steeves before an 11pm bed time.

Who is Ardie Petsas?


This chipper munchkin brought his talents to the stage as a member of the lollipop guild in his hometown's rendition of 'The Wizard of Oz'

Who is Jeremy Bomba?


This film released in 1997 was, at the time, the most expensive film ever made

What is Titanic?


This Austin based liquor company supplies the essential ingredient for Katy Peters' lingo staple.

What is Tito's?


The channel that brought us South Park becomes a green escape within the concrete jungle of NYC

What is Comedy Central Park?


Our very own Max Key made an appearance on this American comedy-drama television series that was mainly popular in the 2000s and featured one of the actresses recently sentenced to community service for her role in the college admissions scandal.

What is Desperate Housewives?


This gal may be seen in a home decor section near you as she did modeling work for picture frame stock images

Who is Jaime Wluka Switkes?


This multi-dimensional snack from the frito-lay brand has since been discontinued but was a fan favorite back in 1998 

What are 3D Doritos?


Cleaning our glasses as soon as the last drop is drank, this happy camper is our back bar hero.

Who is Sergio?


The Declaration of Independence was signed at this site that becomes a 'Rich Girl' duo

What is Independence Hall and Oates?


A star among us is still raking in the royalties from his work with this Director on The Da Vinci Code

Who is Ron Howard?

This director can be found in the Guinness Book of World Records as they were a willing participant in the largest human peace sign

Who is Ben Baltimore?


Before Jennifer Aniston, Brad Pitt had a short 6-month engagement to this actress and co-star.

Who is Gwyneth Paltrow?


Recently added to the menu (prior to COVID), these are the three options available on the 'boards' section of the lingo menu

What are the Charcuterie Board, Asian Board, Mediterranean Board?


This Hot Dog brand becomes the site where you can see the original copy of the Bill of Rights

What is Hebrew National Archives?


This Instagram handle of an EF pup has made waves on Instagram since his page was first created and had a recent Instagram story feature on the popular local account @onlyinbos

What is @yourdailycharlie


This individual went extreme backpacking in the Canadian Rockies which ended in an unfortunate frostbite situation and loss of toe nails 

Who is Katy Peters?


Macaulay Culkin was paid $1 million—the first child star ever to do so—for starring in this film from 1991.

What is My Girl?

A favorite face of Lingo, she left her bartending days behind to open a wine and cheese shop in Portsmouth, NH

Who is Lanie?


The site of the USS Constitution becomes an up and coming AA baseball team out of Hartford, CT

What is the Charlestown Navy Yard Goats?


EF formerly employed the winner of season 32 of this reality competition television franchise as an ET Tour Consultant.

What is Survivor?