Foreign Officials
Gifts and Entertainment
Third Parties

Our primary company compliance and ethics document

What is the Code of Ethics


 An inducement or reward offered, promised or provided in order to gain any improper commercial, contractual, regulatory or personal advantage

A bribe


A janitor of a state-run business, or an employee of a state-sponsored charity, can be this

Who is a foreign official under the FCPA


Our company's Anti-Corruption and FCPA policy prohibits bribes to these people.

Who are all third-parties (including government officials)


It is important to conduct this when engaging third parties

What is Due Diligence


A leading law that applies to the bribery of foreign officials

What is the FCPA

This is on track to become record-breaking in terms of the dollars of FCPA enforcement matters.

What is the year 2020.


This applies to any foreign official, or government employee, regardless of rank or position

What is the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act


Giving Superbowl tickets to a government employee responsible for zoning and his wife to attend the game

What is a violation of the Code of Ethics and potentially the FCPA


This is raised when a third party becomes part of a transaction at the insistent of a foreign official.

What is a red flag.


Violators of the FCPA can be charged here

What is anywhere outside of the US (if they are a US resident and have a connection to business in the US)


You can go to these people if you have questions about if something is permissible under the FCPA

Who is the Ethics & Compliance team, the Legal department, the Ethics Helpline


This can apply even where foreign governments are not part of a transaction

What is the FCPA (anti-bribery and books and recordkeeping provisions)

A property manager was visiting one of our new logistics facilities. He was stopped by governmental security guards and told that they would be taken into custody if they did not offer a $500 cash payment. The property manager should do this.


What is pay the $500 and contact the Ethics and Compliance team.


A payment that is paid by an agent, contractor, or third party on behalf of our company.

What is our company's responsibility under the FCPA.


Two ways in which the FCPA addresses the problem of international corruption

What are the anti-corruption and books and recordkeeping provisions

Criminal fines of up to $250,000 and imprisonment of up to 5 years

What are examples of individual penalties for FCPA violations


A trip to Paris for a government official and his wife that consisted primarily of touring activities via a chauffeur-driven vehicle

What is likely inappropriate under the FCPA


One of the primary forms of harm for improper gifts and entertainment.

What is reputational harm.


This will not insulate a company or individual from liability for unlawful conduct under the FCPA of an agent or third party.

What is willful ignorance.


The total amount of FCPA fines leveraged by the DOJ and SEC against corporations in 2019

What is $2.76 Billion


A minor payment made to expedite or secure the performance of routine governmental action

What is a facilitating payment 


Our company is opening a new facility in Chicago, and hosts an exclusive reception attended by Chicago City officials who were instrumental in making the new development possible through the approvals and political support. Our company provides each attendee with a pen engraved with our company name and portable phone charter (total value $50).  Permissible:

What is yes, this would likely be appropriate if recorded in a transparent and appropriate manner


A company team is considering paying for airfare, hotel, and transportation for foreign officials for the purpose of inspecting a facility in Strasbourg. The foreign officials would travel business class. An appropriate inspection takes place and, afterwards, the foreign officials would be treated to a moderately priced dinner, regular seats at a baseball game, and a play. Permissible:

What is Yes, this would likely be appropriate if recorded in a transparent and appropriate manner


 Excessive commissions to third-party agents or consultants. „ Unreasonably large discounts to third-party distributors. „ Third-party consulting agreements that include only vaguely described services. „ Third-party consultants that are in a different line of business than that for which they are being engaged. „ Third parties related to or closely associated with a foreign official. „ Third parties that became part of a transaction at the express request or insistence of a foreign official. „ Third parties that are merely shell companies incorporated in an offshore jurisdiction. „ Third parties that requested payment to offshore bank accounts.

What are red flags.