Physical Science
Life Science
Earth & Space Science

Imagine you are at a birthday party. A birthday cake with candles is put on a table in the middle of a room. The room is very large. You are standing at the end of the room, 10 meters away from the cake. You can see the candles. How far did the light from the candles traveled in order for you to see the flames, and why do you think that?

A) The light stays on the candle flames.

B) The light travels a few centimeters from the candle flames.

C) The light travels about 1 meter.

D) The light travels about halfway to where you are standing.

E) The light travels all the way to where you are standing.

The best response is  E) The light travels all the way to where you are standing. The light from the candles will travel away from its source (the flame) to you as long as it is unobstructed by an object or material.  Since you can see the candlelight, it has traveled outward from its source—the candle flame—through the room and to your eyes. For you to see the flame, the light emitted from the flame must reach your eye. The eyes  are  the  object, or  matter, that the light comes in contact with. Even though it may appear that in a lit room that there is only light around the candle, since that is what you can detect with their senses, light is radiating outward in all directions beyond the  visible part of the flame, including the space between the light source and the eye of the observer


Six  friends  were  talking  about  the  function  of  the  digestive system. This is what they said:

Mina:“I think the main function is to release energy from food.”

Manny:“I think the main function is to help us breathe.”

Sasha:“I think the main function is to break food down into molecules that can be absorbed by cells.”

Harriet:“I think the main function is to break food down in the stomach into small pieces of food that can be used by the body.”

Todd:“I think the main function is to carry bits of food and nutrients to all the different parts of our body.”

Curtis:“I think the main function is to store food so that we can get energy when we need it."

Who do you agree with? Why?

The  best  answer  is  Sasha’s:  “I  think  the  main function is to break food down into molecules that  can  be  absorbed  by  cells.”  There  is  no single purpose of the digestive system; rather, it has two major purposes: (1) to break down food  and  (2)  to  prepare  nutrients  for  absorption  by  cells.  The  digestive  system  carries  out six basic functions: taking food in (ingestion), secretion, movement of food and wastes, break-down of food, absorption from gastrointestinal tract to cells, and removal of wastes.


Five  friends  noticed  they  could  see  better  at  night when there was a full Moon. They wondered where the moonlight came from. This is what they said:

Curtis:“The  Moon  reflects  the  light  from  the Earth.”

Chet:“The  light  from  the  Sun  bounces  off  the Moon.”

Clarence:   “The Moon gets its light from distant stars.”

Fallon:“The Moon absorbs light from the Sun during the day.”

Deirdre:“There is light inside of the Moon that makes it shine.”

The best answer is Chet’s: “The light from the Sun  bounces  off  the  Moon.”  In other words, the Moon  reflects  sunlight.  Even though you do not see the Sun in the evening, it does shine on the surface of the Moon. The light from the Sun reflects off the Moon and travels to Earth. Therefore, during a full Moon, the moonlight that helps us see better during the evening after the Sun has set it actually sunlight that is bouncing off the Moon, striking the Earth, reflecting off objects, and entering our eyes, which allows us to see things at night. When there is no full Moon, there is less light reaching and reflecting off the Earth; therefore, we see better when there is a full Moon. In contrast, stars emit their own light. They are sources of light rather than objects that reflect light.


Imagine you are sitting at a table with a red apple in front of you. Your friend closes the door and turns off all the lights. It is totally dark in the room. There are no windows in the room or cracks around the door. No light can enter the room. What answer best describes how you would see the apple in the dark, and why?

A) You will not see the red apple, regardless of how long you are in the room.

B) You will see the red apple after your eyes have had time to adjust to the darkness.

C) You will see the apple after your eyes have had time to adjust to the darkness, but you will not see the red color.

D) You will see only the shadow of the apple after your eyes have had time to adjust to the darkness.

E) You will see only a faint outline of the apple after your eyes have had time to adjust to the darkness.

The best response is A) You will not see the red apple, regardless of how long you are in the room. 

In order to see an object, light must be emitted from or reflected off an object so that it reaches the eye. The path of light is from the object to the eye. It is impossible to see an object in the absence of light (total darkness). Emitted or reflected light must enter the eye in order to see an object!


Sam brought home a tiny puppy. Her puppy grew. Four weeks later, her puppy had grown  to  twice  its  original  size.  Which answer  below  best  explains  why  Sam’s puppy got bigger and why?

A) The number of cells in the puppy’s body increased.

B) The  puppy’s  body  absorbed  the food it ate.

C) The puppy’s body cells grew larger as it got older.

D) Parts of the puppy’s body stretched out more.

The best response is A: The number of cells in the  puppy’s  body  increased.  Body  cell  reproduction  involves  producing  new  cells for  growth  of  tissues  as  well  as  repair  and  replacement  of  old  cells. Growth is  the  term  for the  overall  increase  in  an  organism’s  size.  It  is a  complex  process,  but  to  describe  it  in  simple terms,  growth  primarily  involves  cell  enlargement  as  new  molecules  are  added  to  the  cell’s mass and subsequent cell division. Food and nutrients taken in by the puppy are broken down at a molecular level, transformed within cells, and become the building blocks for new living material, including new cells produced through cell division.  


People  have  been  fascinated  by  lunar  (Moon) eclipses for ages. For a time, the full Moon seems to  disappear  as  it  changes  color,  darkens,  and then  reappears.  Throughout  time,  people  have had  different  ideas  about  what  causes  a  lunar eclipse. Here are some of their ideas:

A) A nearby planet passes between the Earth and the Moon.

B) The Sun passes between the Earth and the Moon.

C) The Moon passes between the Sun and the Earth.

D) The Earth passes between the Sun and the Moon.

E) The clouds block out the Moon.

F) A nearby planet’s shadow falls on the Moon.

G) The Moon’s shadow falls on the Earth.

H) The Moon turns to the dark side and then back to the light side. 

Which one is correct? Why?

The best answer is D: The Earth passes between the  Sun and the Moon. A lunar eclipse occurs whenever  the Moon passes through some portion of the Earth’s shadow. This occurs when the Sun, Earth, and Moon are in very close alignment, with the Earth in the  middle. There is always a full Moon the night of a lunar eclipse.  You will usually see a bright lunar disk gradually turn dark as it passes  through Earth’s shadow—sometimes a  coppery red color—for as long as an hour or more during a total eclipse. The Earth’s shadow has two parts, called the penumbra and the umbra. The umbra is much darker than the penumbra. When the entire Moon passes through the umbra, it is called a total lunar eclipse. When only part of the Moon passes through the umbra, it is  called a partial lunar eclipse. And when the Moon goes through the penumbra, it is called a penumbral eclipse. In each of these types of eclipses, the Earth is  always between the Sun and the Moon. Lunar eclipses (as well as solar eclipses) happen roughly every six months. A lunar eclipse is visible to anyone on Earth who would have otherwise seen the full Moon.


Five  friends  built  a  marble  tower.  The  marble  tower  had  a  curved track.  The  track  was  designed  so  that  the  marbles  would  move down the track in a circular path. The track ended on the floor. Each  friend  predicted  how  he  or  she  thought  the  marble  would move when it rolled off the end of the track onto the floor. This is what they said: 

Magda: “I think it will roll in circles.”

Soledad: “I think it will curve for a bit and then  straighten out.”

Allen: “I think it will roll in one big curve.”

Keira: “I think it will roll in a straight line.”

Rafael: “I think it will zigzag for a little while.” 

Who was right? Why?

The  best  answer  is  Keira’s:  The  marble  leaving  the track will travel in a straight line. This behavior is true of all objects: If no outside forces act on an object, the object will travel in a straight line  at  a  constant  speed.  As  the  marble  rolls down the marble tower’s spiral track, a force toward the center of the spiral (a centripetal force) caused by the outside wall keeps the marble rolling in a spiral path. When the marble leaves the end of the track, it is no longer in contact with the walls of the track. Without the track pushing on it, the marble no longer has a center-directed force acting on it that causes it to roll in a curved path. According to Newton’s first law, an object will  remain  at  rest  or  in  uniform  motion  in  a straight  line  unless  acted  upon  by  an  external force. Since there is no longer a center-directed, external force exerted by the walls of the circular track  pushing  on  the  marble,  the  marble  rolls off  the  end  of  the  track  in  a  straight-line  path across the floor. It will continue to do so until an outside force causes it either to change direction or slow down and stop.


Seeds sprout and eventually grow into young plants. Some friends were talking about what seeds need in order to sprout. Here's what they said:

Clark: "I think seeds only need air, warmth, and water."

Keisha: "No, they definitely need air, warmth, water, sunlight, and fertilizer."

Ra'Niya: "You forgot that they need food and Earth's gravity too!"

Sean: "I think you're a little off - they need water, soil, air, food, sunlight, darkness, warmth, Earth's gravity, AND fertilizer to sprout!

Who do you most agree with and why?

Seeds need water, air, and warmth. 

Like all living things, the plant embryo inside a seed needs water, air, food, and warmth to carry out the life processes that will support its germination and growth. The young plant embryo needs food as its source of energy and building material for growth...but the food it needs is already contained within the seed in the form of a cotyledon, since a young sprout does not yet have the leaves to enable it to carry out photosynthesis! 

Air is necessary for seeds to respire, and seeds must take in oxygen to use and release energy from their food. Seeds also require a warm temperature and water for the life-sustaining chemical reactions that take place in the cells of the young plant embryo to occur. However, some seeds, such as acorns, needs to go through a cold period before they germinate. Too much liquid water “drowns" seeds by preventing them from taking in oxygen and causes them to rot. Some seeds can sprout in humid air without the need for a moist surface. Hence, the right amount of water needs to be available. Seeds can sprout without soil as long as they have a source of moisture. Sunlight is not needed, as evidenced by the way many seeds germinate when covered by soil. Seeds have sprouted in microgravity in space. Gravity affects the ability of the sprout to send its early root structures downward, but seeds can sprout even in conditions were gravity is much less than on Earth. Fertilizers are not needed by seeds. They are used by plants once they have established roots and can take in these substances from the soil to contribute essential elements to the cells that make up their plant structures.


Five friends were camping in the north woods. It  was  a  clear  night  with  mild  weather  conditions.  Sunset  was  at  9:14  p.m.  Sunrise  was  at 5:22  a.m.  The  five  friends  wondered  when  it would  be  coldest  as  they  slept  under  the  stars. This is what they said:

Colin: “I think it will be coldest right after the Sun sets.”

Bono: “I think it will be coldest at midnight.” 

Jeri: “I think it will be coldest around 3:00 a.m.”

Emma: “I think it will be coldest at the beginning of sunrise.”

Kit: “I think it will be coldest a few hours after sunrise.” 

Who do you think is right? Why?

The best answer is Emma’s: “I think it will be coldest at the beginning of sunrise.” The coldest part of the day is generally right around the dawn, actually right after the sunrise while the Sun  is  still  very  low  on  the  horizon.  During the night, the Earth’s surface radiates the heat it  has  absorbed  back  out  into  space,  allowing the  temperature  to  drop.  It  does  this  during the day as well, but at night it has had the most time to radiate heat back to space without the incoming  Sun’s  warmth  to  offset  or  compensate for the heat loss