What quality will help Blake and Lydia control their tempers when mad?
A - Humility
B- Faith
C- sept- control
C- self control
This tiny creature is instinctively wise.
This color is usually employed with reference to the hair of aging persons.
This event happened because the world was full of bad people because bad angels had children with women?
Flood of Noah’s day
How many days was Lazarus dead for?
4 days
What quality will help Blake and Lydia not brag and be respectful?
This animal talked in the Bible.
Because of its costliness, this color often was associated with or symbolized riches, honor, and royal majesty.
This series of events happened because pharaoh would not let Jehovah’s people leave Egypt.
The 10 plagues
What does the rainbow mean?
Jehovah’s promise that he will never flood the earth again
What quality will help Blake and Lydia with their chores?
A- being responsible
B- being patience
C - being hungry
A. Being responsible
This is the mightiest of all beasts.
This color horse represents famine.
This event happened because this prophet did not want to go to Ninevah.
Jonah and the fish
What two foods did Jesus multiply?
Fish and bread
What quality will help Blake and Lydia be obedient to their parents?
A very swift, keen-sighted dog, with a pointed muzzle, a slender streamlined body, and long, strong legs.
This color is only used to describe sheep.
This event happened because Daniel got caught praying?
Daniel and the lions pit.
This apostle walked on water with Jesus.
If Blake and Lydia does something wrong what quality will help them tell the truth about it?
It somewhat resembles a large rabbit but has short, rounded ears and short legs. This little animal lives in rocky areas
Rock badger
This color brings to mind the freshness and vigor of growing vegetation, or it denotes a healthy and prosperous condition of things
Jehovah promised: ‘There will be no more crying, pain, sickness, or death. I will wipe away every tear from their eyes. All bad things from the past will be forgotten.’ What event takes place first?
How many books are in the Bible?