
True or false: Accidents and violations need to be entered manually to match the prior policy.

What is false?

This information will flood automatically when quoted.


This phone number should be entered on the quote if an inspection is required, but the insured's phone number is unavailable.

What is the agency's phone number?


The astronauts of Apollo 11 were denied life insurance, so they left these behind for their families to sell if anything happened to them.

What are autographed posters?

This third-party reports system is used to obtain the insured's personal information to complete quotes.

What is Accurint?


This is the updated signature used in all notation in submissions.

What is "PLTransfer"?


If both auto and home have this coverage, it should be removed from the auto and only added to the home policy.

What is Identity Theft?


Property Dwelling Coverage more than this monetary amount is considered a High Value Home and should be handled as a No Quote.

What is $2 million?


This famous martial artist and actor's productions are too much of a risk for any insurance company to underwrite.

Who is Jackie Chan?


This AWD search form can be used to find all items in an agreement, often used to find cross files or companion policies for an insured.

What is the General Search Form?


This Dwelling Fire policy form is a No Quote, regardless of state or primary support.

What is DP1?
What is Basic policy form?


This vehicle type/category includes kit cars, gray market vehicles, or vehicles with 12+ passenger capacity.

What are Unacceptable Vehicles?
Will accept any variation of this.


This is the only state that requires dwelling coverage be equal to the estimated reconstruction cost.

What is California?


True or false: Unique insurance policies are available to cover experiences including injury caused by supernatural occurrences, alien abductions and even ransom reimbursement.


Fun fact: Alien abduction coverage has existed since 1987, and over 20k people have purchased it!


This is the PolicyCenter screen that you would use to add additional Agent Staff or Participants to a quote.

What is the Participants screen?


This is the minimum coverage A limit required to be eligible for a Nationwide transfer quote.

What is $75,000?


If a trailer cost is greater than this monetary amount, it would either be left off the Nationwide quote or quoted as RV/Powersport, depending on the type of trailer.

What is $12,000?


In Minnesota, this is the percentage that you would need to manually increase coverage to include the Brand New Belongings endorsement when unavailable.

What is 75%?


True or false: the practice of insurance is a modern practice that first occurred at the end of the 18th century.


Fun fact: the first appearance of insurance in history reportedly happened in China around 3000 B.C., covering merchants, their products, and ships in the event of a shipwreck.


These are the steps you should follow if you receive an error message stating "We are unable to rate the policy at the time due to a system outage. Try again later."

What are checking credit report status and pending to try again later?


This is the only state that has a Group discount that applies to property and auto policies.

What is Michigan?


This PolicyCenter screen is where you will find the option to add Extended Non-Owned coverage.

What is the Driver Screen?


In order to reject a mobile or manufactured home as a no quote, the information has to be obtained from this source.

What is the prior declarations page?


Prior to government-run organizations, insurance companies created this important civil service by hiring private brigades to respond to events to control and prevent further loss.

What is the modern fire department?


If additional information on coverage codes is needed but not provided on the TCQ, this additional resource can be used and searched by prior carrier.

What is the Coverage Comparison Document?
What is the Coverage Comparison Sharepoint?


This discount is automatically included on all transfer policies, except quotes in the states of California and Washington.

What is the Intra Agency Transfer discount?

Will accept Transfer discount or similar