The venom in a snake bite is circulates through the _____________ system
What is health promotion?
A process to enable individuals to gain control over their health.
What are the five health related components of fitness?
Cardio vascular fitness
Muscular strength
Muscular endurance
Body compostion
What organ produces insulin?
What is athlerosclerosis?
The build up of plaque on the inside of the artery wall?
What is the difference between a soft tissue and hard tissue injury?
Hard Tissue is danage to bone and teeth. Soft tissue is damage to muscle, skin, ligaments, tendons, etc
What is the life expectancy of me and women in Australia?
Men 80 women 84
What fitness test measures power?
Vertical/Standing long jump
The body has how many bones?
What is arteriosclerosis?
Hardening of the arteries due to athlerosclerosis
What medication do asthmatics take to manage their condition?
What are Australians most likely to die from?
Coronary heart disease
How do you determine your Maximum heart rate?
The correct name for the jaw bone is the_______
Which modifiable risk factor causes the most disease in Australia?
What does RICER stand for?
Rest and Reassurance
Ice and Immobilisation
What cancer is Australian most likely to die from?
Lung Cancer
What is stroke volume?
The amount of blood ejected by the left ventricle per beat.
The heart has how many chambers?
What year was the Ottawa Charter established?
How would you manage a person who is unconscious?
Place in the recovery postion
What cancer has the highest prevalence in Australia?
Skin Cancer
What percentage of heart rate is the anaerobic zone?
What is the name of the arteries which supply the heart oxygen?
Coronary Arteries
When the council puts in playground equipment in the park is an example of what action area of the Ottawa Charter?
Creating supportive environments