Plate Motion Investigation 2
Math Topic 2
Topic 1 (Early Americas)
Science Hodgepodge
Topic 2 (European Colonization)

How did the South American Plate and African Plate move?

The two plates started moving from a divergent plate boundary being formed and moving them apart.


Lia made two batches of fruit punch. The first batch has 5 quarts of apple juice and 8 of grape juice. The second batch 10 quarts of apple juice and 16 of grape juice. Write an equation that shows the proportional quantities.

8/5 = 1.6 16/10 = 1.6


What is the oldest Native American tribe?

Clovice culture


The Super Continent is



What was the first official English colony in America?



How do plates get bigger or smaller?

Plates get bigger when two divergent plates split apart, and the gap between them is filled with the mantle, or soft solid rock. Most of that soft rock hardens into a landform called a mid ocean ridge, and a little bit sticks onto the two diverging plates, making them bigger. Plates become smaller when two convergent plates hit each other, and one goes underneath the other and into the mantle, melting into soft solid rock. The one on top also rubbed against the other, so a little bit was eroded off. This landform is seen as a trench.


There are four eggs, assuming the four eggs are all the same weight, find the constant of proportionality. All the eggs weigh 120 grams.

30 grams per egg.


How did the Native Americans live?

Poorly because when they got diseases they didn't have any medicine for it.


Who finally brought attention to plate movement, even though it was "poo-pooed" by scientists at the time?



Why did Spain settle its colonies?

Spain settled its colonies because they have found good land at the Americas and good resources as well.


What is Earth's mantle made of?

Soft, Solid Rock


If Nate earned $90 for 6 hours of work and Nick earned $76 for 8 hours of work, who earns more per hour?

Nate earns more per hour since he earns $10 and nick earns $9.5 dollars.


How did people first reach the Americas?

People first reached the Americas by the Mayflower boat and with multiple other boats.


How do we know that the two landforms (South America and Africa) had been one landform, hundreds of millions of years ago?

Mesosaurus couldn't swim far distances, which means that the two plates broke away from each other.


What major crops were grown in The Carolinas

Indigo, rice, tobacco, and cotton.


What are plate boundaries?

Where plates meet


A pig eats 80 apples in 40 minutes how many minutes would it take for him to eat 120 apples?

60 minutes


 Which European colony went to the Americas first?



One of the two parts of Pangea, after it split.



How did the exchange of goods and information between Africa and Eurasia benefit both regions?

They benefited from each other‘s information because they told him how to make medicine and they told him how to Farm and they Show them how to fish and hunt


How long does it take for plates to move?

Hundreds of millions of years


Is the constant of proportionality the same for $1.40 per 20 pieces of gum and $1.50 for 30 pieces of g?

1.40 divided by 20= $0.07 1.50 divided by 30= $0.05 It is not the same


How did early inventions help with exploration?

Early inventions helped with exploration because they made it safer and easier. For example, astrolabes found the latitude using an object in the sky, which helped people safely travel longer distances. This helped with exploring the world and figuring out new continents, like the Americas.


Not all rifting forms new divergent plates, which can be seen on this penninsula. 



How did European colonization hurt Native Americans?

European colonization hurt Native Americans because their land was stolen away. When the Europeans came, they brought new diseases and weapons, which killed many Native American tribes and people. The native people were also forced to leave their land when their land was stolen, and had nowhere to go. The colonists also killed many species of animals, and almost made beavers extinct when they killed for their furs.