how do you spell heart
what is HEART
What TV show does a family of ducks go on adventures?
what is ducktales
How many points do you get if you hit a homerun?
What is one run
How old is your brother?
What is 10 years old
I like _____ play games.
what is missing?
What is to
What is your favorite show on universal kids?
What is mighty Mike
In football how many points do you get for a field goal?
What is two points
In super Mario party what character that is a very popular character that is missing as a usable character?
Who is Toad
How do you spell five?
What is FIVE
What is the Paddington movie called?
What is Paddington
What do you use to hit the ball in baseball ?
What is a bat
How old are you?
In tennis name two grounds stroke shots?
That is backhand and forhand
What does Jeopardy mean?
Ask mommy or dad
Who is R2-D2‘s best friend?
Who is C-3PO
in boxing what does KO stand for?
What is knock out
What is 15 + 2?