Scout Knowledge
Scout Skills
Merit Badges
Famous People
Scout Trivia

It’s a 10-letter word for a newbie as well as the second rank in Boy Scouts.

What is Tenderfoot?


This practice, also done by film editors, joins two ropes & makes them almost as strong as the original ones.

What is splicing?


Of 10, 21 or 25, the number of merit badges a Scout needs to qualify for the rank of Eagle Scout.

What is 21?


This Eagle Scout film director depicted Indiana Jones as a Boy Scout in “The Last Crusade.”

Who is Steven Spielberg?


The Boy Scouts logo features an eagle on this French-named item, a stylized lily.

What is a fleur-de-lis?


It’s a large, festive gathering, often of Boy Scouts nationwide.

What is Jamboree?


When Scouts swim safely, they use this system in which one Scout looks out for the other & vice versa.

What is the buddy system?


To qualify for a Bugling merit badge, a Scout must know 15 calls, including this one sounded at the end of the day.

What is Taps?


The first Scout to go on to be the president was this man who, in a youthful letter to his father Joe, asked for a bigger allowance to buy canteens and other Scout supplies.

Who is John F. Kenney?


Kangaroos & gorillas gather in these groups (as do Boy Scouts).

What are troops?


An adjective in the Boy Scout Law, it means not wasteful with money.

What is thrifty?


For a Boy Scout, it’s the tie that binds.

What is a square knot?


If you can describe a float, trap and drainpipe, you’re on your way to a badge in this field.

What is plumbing?


Arthur C. Clarke, Alex Haley & John Knowles have written for this 90-year-old Scouting publication.

What is Boys' Life?


The Boy Scouts of America’s highest award for service is “The Silver” one of these Plains animals.

What is Buffalo?


Immaculate is a synonym for this word that can precede “getaway” or a “sweep.”

What is clean?


That’s a GPS unit on the badge for this new 10-letter orienteering hobby.

What is geocaching?


Making a plankton net and drawing a trench and seamount are two steps to your Boy Scout merit badge in this.

What is Oceanography?


For an incredible 50 years, 1926-76, he illustrated the official Boy Scout calendar.

Who is Norman Rockwell?


Ape Cave in this state is named for the St. Helen’s Apes, the local Boy Scout troop who first explored it.

Where is Washington?


“On my honor” this oath says to “help other people at all times.”

What is the Scout Oath?


A clove hitch is useful in camping; tie a rope to your sack of food, which you’ll hang high to make this alliterative “bag.”

What is a bear bag?


Later vice president, he first visited the capital while leading Boy Scouts from Minnesota.

Who is Hubert Humphrey?


California’s Boy Scout Camp Winton is near a gold-bearing area called “the Mother Lode” in the foothills of this mountain range.

What is the Sierra Nevada?


This synonym for “amiable” linked with a comic book ghost.

What is friendly?


From the French for summoning, it’s the practice of a Scout safely lowering himself down a mountainside.

What is rappelling?


An American Novelist, In the early 1920s he briefly served as a scoutmaster for an Oxford, Mississippi, Boy Scout troop.

Who is William Faulkner?


Since 1974, mulch from this annual Rockefeller Center sight has gone to Boy Scouts to use as ground cover in camps.

What is the Christmas tree?


A goal of the Boy Scouts is to foster this 15-letter word through activities like fishing, hiking & canoeing.

What is outdoorsmanship?


The Guinness record for knot-tying measures the fastest time for tying the 6 knots listed in this handbook.

What is the Boy Scout Handbook?


Irving Berlin’s royalties from this song popularized by Kate Smith were donated to the Boy & Girl Scouts.

What is "God Bless America"?


In 1907, the first four groups in this organization started in England were the Bulls, the Wolves, the Curlews & the Ravens.

What are the Boy Scouts?


When asked “For what?” with regard to this motto of the Boy Scouts, Robert Baden-Powell said, “Why, for any old thing.”

What is Be Prepared?


In 1928, Boy Scout Paul Siple was chosen to go along on this admiral’s Antarctic expedition.

Who is Richard Byrd?


This was once a braided cord worn by Boy Scouts; it’s now a wasteful project that often involves graft.

What is a boondoggle?


The Boy Scouts of America headquarters is in this state where all of George Strait’s exes live.

Where is Texas?


In 1995, some Boy Scouts in Wisconsin produced a Guinness-record 2,377-pound one of these.

What is a popcorn ball?