Historical Figures
History 2

In 1896, these men described antigens (in their case bacteria) clumping (aggregate) together in the presence of immune serum.

Who are Max von Gruber and Herbert Durham?


A thermostable DNA polymerase I named after the thermophilic eubacterial microorganism Thermus aquaticus, from which it was originally isolated by Chien et al. in 1976.

What is Taq Polymerase?


1900, discovers serum from some people will cause agglutination of red blood cells from others

In 1930, he won the Nobel Prize for discovery of blood groups and making transfusions safer

Who is Karl Landsteiner?


First recorded in the 11th century in central Asia. Dried puss blown up subject’s nose who then contracted a mild form of the disease.

A deliberate exposure to infected material, usually puss through skin incision

What is variolation? 


After 23 experiments he concluded that those who had suffered cowpox were immune to smallpox. The first experiment: Takes puss from a cow pox lesion on the hand of a milkmaid, and inoculates 6 yr old James Phipps. After lesion heals on James Phipps hand, Jenner tries to variolate him and there is no reaction.

Who is Edward Jenner?


Pathogenic organisms can, under some circumstances, become less pathogenic

What is attenuation?


DNA/RNA template, DNA polymerase, primers (forward and reverse), deoxynucleotide triphosphates (dNTPs), buffers and Taq Polymerase.

What are the basic PCR reagents?


Coins the term “opsonization” from the Greek opsonein (to make more palatable)

Observes macrophages phagocytosing bacteria under a microscope and counts the numbers of bacteria being ingested

Discovers that antibodies enhance phagocytosis

Who is Almroth Wright?


In 1896, French physician Fernand Widal used the reaction as the basis for a test for typhoid fever.

Blood serum from a typhoid carrier caused a culture of typhoid bacteria to clump, whereas serum from a typhoid-free person did not.

This was the first example of:

What is the first example of serum diagnosis? 


•Caused by the variola virus. It enters the body through the lungs and is carried in the blood to the internal organs and skin where it multiplies.  It can kill 10 to 30% of the total population, the most feared and greatest killer in human history.

• Leave sunken scars in skin in mild cases.  In severe case, it causes blood poisoning, secondary infections or internal bleeding.

What is smallpox?


Fluid left over after whole blood is allowed to clot and the cells and clotting factors are removed

What is serum?


A mixture of Tris base, acetic acid and EDTA. In molecular biology it is used in agarose electrophoresis typically for the separation of nucleic acids such as DNA and RNA. It is made up of Tris-acetate buffer, usually at pH 8.3, and EDTA, which sequesters divalent cations.

What is TAE buffer?


In the 1890s begins to study transfer of immunity to offspring from immune parents

Uses toxins, plant and bacterial, as antigens

Discovered Antibodies transferred from immune mother to offspring in utero and Antibodies transferred from immune mother to offspring through milk

Who is Paul Ehrlich?


Lady Mary encourages Royal family to variolate the Royal heirs in 1721.

3 male and 3 female prisoners at Newgate prison are given Royal pardons if they agree to variolated.  

5 of the prisoners show reaction to variolation but all survive. The 6th admits to having had smallpox as a child (already immune)

To make sure that the inoculation protected against subsequent infections one of the women prisoners forced to sleep in the same bed with a child dying of smallpox.  Does not get the disease.

Still cautious, the Princess orders 5 orphans to be variolated before finally agreeing to variolate her own children

What is the Royal Experiment? 


Meaning "of cows," a cow pox disease caused by a virus related to smallpox. 



Small molecules which only work as antigens if they are attached to larger proteins (carriers). A molecule unable to stimulate antibody production by itself, but can be the target of antibody binding

What is a hapten?


This increases the density of a sample so that the sample will layer at the bottom of a gel's sample well. It ensures that DNA stays down in the well where it can migrate through the gel rather than diffusing out into the buffer as soon as we load it.

What is glycerol? Gel electrophoresis. 


In 1890, Berlin these men discovered that serum from immune mice protected non-immune mice

Immunity can be transferred with immune serum

Who are Emil von Behring & Shibasaburo Kitasato?


Gave the first medical description of smallpox and provided the first theories on acquired immunity.

Distinguishes smallpox from measles

First example of identifying a specific disease

Influenced the development of deliberate inoculation to induce immunity

Who is Abu Bekr Mohammed ibn Zakariya al-Razi?


In 1878 he worked on the problem of a cholera-like disease in poultry by isolating bacteria that causes the disease.

Fresh cultures of bacteria are fatal to the chickens

Accidentally use old cultures in one experiment.  Chickens get mildly sick but don’t die.

Chickens exposed to old culture now immune to fresh culture.

Who is Louis Pasteur?


Carbohydrate-binding proteins that are highly specific for sugar groups of other molecules and so cause agglutination of particular cells or precipitation of glycoconjugates and polysaccharides.

What are lectins?


A chemical that binds and holds on to (chelates) minerals and metals used to sequester divalent and trivalent metal ions such as calcium and magnesium. This ability prevents DNA and RNA degradation as metal-dependent enzymes acting as nucleases becomes deactivated.

What is Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid? EDTA.


He discovered the structural and genetic basis for the remarkable specificity of antibodies. He first demonstrated that antibodies are gamma globulin, characterized the size and stunning heterogeneity of antibody-combining sites. He determined the structures of the major blood group antigens, the embryonic-stage-specific carbohydrate antigens and the carbohydrate markers of leukocyte (white blood cell).

Who is Elvin A. Kabat?


The earliest known man to mention immunity during the plague of Athens in 430 BC. "Yet is was those who had recovered from the disease that the sick and the dying found most compassion.  These knew what it was from experience and had now no fear for themselves; for the same man was never attacked twice - never at least fatally..."

Who is Thucydides?


This man noted that phagocytes were more active in animals that had been immunized. He hypothesized that immunity was mediated by cells. This work led to the concept of cellular immunity.

Who is Ilya (Elie) Metchnikoff?