Passenger Safety
Pedestrian Safety
Beach Safety

What should you wear as a passenger?

A seatbelt


Where is it safest to cross the road?

Pedestrian crossing


What does patrolled mean?

Patrolled means there are lifeguards patrolling the beach


Name 3 safe places to swim?

Safe places to swim include: between the flags, busy areas with a lot of people, beaches where you know the conditions and patrolled beaches


True or false - You do not have to wear a seatbelt if the car is travelling under 10 km/h

False, you always have to wear a seatbelt 

True or False - Pedestrians always have right of way when walking 

False - pedestrians have right of way at crossings and a set of lights (when it is a green man)


What should you do if you are uncomfortable in the water and need the lifeguards assistance?

Stay calm, raise your arm in the air and wave it from side to side.This will attract the attention of a lifeguard who will be able to come to your assistance. You should conserve your energy by floating on your back and staying calm


What should you do if you or a friend have been stung by a blue bottle (jellyfish)

Immediately go and tell a lifeguard, remove any tentacles, apply/pour hot water to the area, go to a doctor


What can you do to help the driver?

Hold their phone, watch the road, give directions


What are 5 safe behaviours you can do as a pedestrian?

Look both ways before crossing, walk through a clear path (not between cars), not using your phone when crossing the road, using crossing to cross the road and watching for signs such as give way and road work/construction 


Name 5 signs you would see at the beach?

Shark sighted, beach closed, beware of jellyfish, strong currents, beware of shore break, slippery rocks