Unit 1
Revolution or Rotation
Sun & the Moon
The Sun's Energy

In an experiment with three (of the same type of) plants, two different fertilizers, equal light, and equal water; the type of variable the fertilizer is

What is Independent? 


A lead ball with a mass of 420g and a density of 10.5 cm/g3 has a volume of...

What is 40cm^3?


This statement explains the shape of Earth

What is: because of its rotation about its axis, Earth has a greater circumference around the equator than around the Prime Meridian?


The latitude of a region affects its climate by

What is by determining the angle of sunlight throughout the year?


The energy from the Sun comes to Earth by

What is the radiation of electromagnetic waves through space?


Hypothesis that fail rigorous testing are...

What is false?


The density on an object with the dimensions '2cm x 3cm x 2cm' and with a mass of 94g is...

What is 7.83 g/cm^3?


Every day, the Moon rises a little more than a half an hour later than it rose the day before. This phenomenon is explained by

What is one Earth rotation is faster than one Moon revolution around Earth?


The point where the moon is closest

What is Apogee?


This occurs when the Earth, the moon, and the Sun are in a straight line

What is a larger-than-normal height difference between low tide and high tide?


The number with the steepest slope is...

What is 3?


A substance with a density of 4.0 g/cm^3 and a volume of 25 cm^3 has a mass of...

What is 100g?


Some constellations are seen better in North Carolina in winter, while others are more prominent in the summer. This is because of...

What is Earth revolving around the Sun?


The difference between these two points is

What is: the region at Point 1 is experiencing summer while the region at Point 2 is experiencing winter?


In this layer of the Sun nuclear fusion occurs

What is the convection zone?


These two mountains are 50 kilometers apart.

What is Kilauea and Mauna Kea? 


A box has the dimensions '2cm x 3cm x 25cm' and a mass of 600g. The volume and density is...

What is 150cm^2 and 4.0 g/cm^3?


Earth’s rotation spins Earth’s liquid metal outer core around its solid metal inner core, this phenomenon makes life possible because

What is: it generates enough thermal energy to keep water on Earth liquid, but not so much that the water boils away?


This uneven distribution is MOST directly responsible for differences in this climatic variable

What is temperature?


This keeps stars, like the Sun, from collapsing in on itself

What is the outward pressure created by nuclear fusion?


The contour interval is...

What is 20m?


Mars' axis- 25.19°

Earth's axis- 23.5°

This indicates that Mars...

What is: has more extreme seasonal changes?


If the fission theory of moon formation is true, then so is this

What is early Earth rotated on its axis much more quickly than it does today?


This is the reason for the annual change of season

What is the tilt of Earth’s axis of rotation?


The process the occurs during nuclear fusion in stars

What is four hydrogen nuclei combine to become a helium nucleus, releasing energy?