what operation is done first in order of operations
what is parenthesis
how do you subtract a fraction with unlike denominators
what is finding a common denominator
when multiplying a fraction with a whole number what is done to that whole number
what is making the number into a fraction
is this relationship additive or multiplicative
what is an additive relationship
8 fl oz =
what is 1 cup
what is the S in PEMDAS
what is subtraction
when adding fractions what is the limit of numbers at a time
what is non e there are no limits
when dividing fractions and a whole number what do you have to do
what is flipping a problem
what type of chart is used to record additive and multiplicative relationships
what is a T-chart
8 cups =
what is the number 16
name what should be done in order
what is the abbreviation M,A,S
1/2 +3/6
what is 1 whole
1/2 divided by 1
if the rule is x3 what is 3
what is 9
16 pt=
what is the number 32
solve [(8x7)-49]x11
what is the number 77
what is the procedure for adding unlike fractions
what is making like fractions THEN adding
what is the procedure for dividing unlike fractions
what is making like fractions THEN dividing
if the rule is +5 what is 8
what is 13
3 tea spoons =
what is a tablespoon
solve {[8+2]x5}
what is the number 50
what is the procedure for subtracting unlike fractions
what is making like fractions THEN subtracting
what is the procedure for dividing whole numbers and fractions
what is F,M,F flip multiply flip
what is 480
8 pints=
2 gallons