Thought or Feeling: "I am useless."
Name 2 emotions
Sad, happy, excited, angry, hopeful, calm, depressed, silly
What is a behavior?
An action we take.
What are the 3 basic components of CBT?
Thoughts, Feelings and Behaviors.
Why do we talk about coping skills so much here?!
They are the skills that help YOU. They help manage intense feelings and behaviors.
What is "stinking thinking"
Untrue statements, negative thoughts, thoughts that make us feel worse
Thought or Feeling? "I'm such an idiot."
Who is in control of your behaviors?
Thought or feeling: "I am so embarrassed."
What are 3 of your coping skills?
**Answers may vary
It helps us see the good/positive and helps us improve our mood.
What are 3 things that make you feel happy?
**Responses will vary
What is 1 behavior that would help with anxiety management?
Deep breathing, listening to music, meditation, exercise, mindfulness.
What is 1 thought distortion?
Filtering, all or nothing thinking (also known as black or white), overgeneralization, jumping to conclusions, catastrophizing
Are all coping skills good?
No-- Unproductive coping skills can be using drugs/alcohol, self-harming behavior, overs/unders, addictions.
What is "all or nothing" thinking
Involves using absolute terms, such as never or ever. This type of faulty thinking can also include an inability to see the alternatives in a situation or solutions to a problem.
What are other feelings we have with anger?
Sadness, rage, depression, hopefulness, shame
Provide an example of how to replace the negative behavior with a more productive behavior: "When I am angry, I punch the wall."
Change this thought: "I made a mistake so no one loves me now."
What are 3 coping skills for dealing with voices?
Music, distraction, art, spending time outside, mindfulness, relaxation, talking with friends
Change this thought: "I am going to be stuck her forever"
"I can't take small steps towards my discharge."
When can emotions become damaging or destructive?
Repetition, goal setting, allowing yourself time to create the new behavior, consistency, commitment
What does "mind over mood mean?"
What are coping skills that help you and what are some that don't?
Everyone is different, therefore our coping will be different. Somethings that work for someone else might not be that helpful for you (and that's okay!)