I Need a Superhero
Angry Words
Them's the Rules
Run It Up the Flagpole
"C" Who Salutes

In 2016 Laura Linney & Will Arnett helped these title reptiles come "Out of the Shadows"

Who are the Ninja Turtles?


Deal with my this, vengeance as the consequence of anger, & also, I can't resist... Khaaaaan!

What is Wrath?


Per Monopoly rules, if you land on this space, you must pay the bank either $200 or 10% of your total worth

What is Income Tax?

The term used by Mr. Hooper to describe what might take place between two people, intimates, in the bedroom of the U-Club house

What is Coupling?


The flag of the Pitcairn Islands includes a depiction of the anchor of this ship

What is the HMS Bounty?


Last name of the American brothers George Rogers & William, both military men & explorers

What is Clark?


Helen Slater certainly has the resume to play the mom of Kara Zor-El, this title CW heroine

Who is Supergirl?


"All the" this 4-letter word can mean widely popular

What is Rage?


Versions of this precept show up in the "Analects" of Confucius & Matthew 7:12

What is The Golden Rule?

The first official name of the school where Western Carolina University is currently located

What is Cullowhee Academy?

Like its neighbor Venezuela, this country uses a tricolor flag

What is Columbia?


Though his surrender basically ended the American Revolution, this general got little blame for the defeat back home in Britain

Who is Cornwalis?


This Marvel-ous 2018 title guy got his claws into a Best Picture Oscar nomination

Who is Black Panther?


To perturb, or when the 47th-ranked team defeats No. 1

What is Upset?


No hugging allowed according to the Marquess of Queensberry rules for this sport

What is Boxing?


This former WCU chancellor received a vote of no confidence from the SGA student body at this institution

What is Wichita State University?


The flags of the city of Berlin & the state of California both feature this animal

What is a Bear?


Last in his 1861 class at West Point, he served as an aide to Gen. McClellan & had the nickname "Boy General"

Who is George Armstrong Custer?


Lucius Best is the secret identity of this hero voiced by Samuel L. Jackson in "The Incredibles"

Who is Frozone?


This angry word, pronounced a bit differently, is a substance with a sweet odor when burned

What is Incense?


Country Living magazine's 50 simple etiquette rules include send this personal type of thank you note

What is Handwritten?


One of the buildings built on WCU's campus constructed through the Works Progress Administration

Breese Gymnasium, Old Student Union, McKee


The shield on this country's flag is based on one carried by the Maasai people

What is Kenya?


He fought under King Henry of Navarre before joining a 1603 expedition to Canada

Who is Samuel de Champlain?


Filipino martial arts training helped Caity Lotz play Sara Lance, the "White Canary", who leads the time travelers on this DC TV show

Who are Legends of Tomorrow?


3 minor female divinities of Greek myth were collectively known as this

Who are the Furies?


This proposed federal rule would have required all retirement planning advisors to act in their clients' best interests

What is Fiduciary?


In 1964 he was the first player to integrate WCU's all-white basketball team. 

Who is Henry Logan?


A malamute is on the flag of this Canadian territory to reflect the dog's important role in the history of the place

What is the Yukon?


This veteran of the Revolutionary War went on to be the first governor of New York state & VP under Jefferson & Madison

Who is (George) Clinton?