How do you say "Merry Christmas" in Spanish?
Feliz Navidad
Who sends the singer in "12 days of Christmas" presents?
Their true love
What happens if you find a pickle in a tree?
You can open the first present Christmas Day!
What does Santa eat and drink?
Milk and cookies
What country decorates their trees with paper lanterns?
How many maids are milking?
What is it called when a group sings Christmas songs?
How many sides are on a dreidel?
What food does Japan eat on Christmas Day?
Fried Chicken
What is the 5th day of Christmas?
Golden rings
Who reports if you are naughty or nice?
An Elf on the Shelf
When does Hanukkah end?
December 18th
"Frohe Weihnachten" is Merry Christmas in which language?
How many Pipers are Piping?
How many fishes do Italians cook for Christmas meals?
How long is Kwanzaa?
7 Days
In Croatia, a pink candle being lit represents what?
What is the 12th day of Christmas?
Lords a Leaping
How do you make reindeer food?
Oatmeal and glitter
How many candles are on a Menorah?