Sail Away
Spain 's Gains
Bye Bye Birdie

He was the first European to establish permanent contact between Europe and the Americas.

Who is Christopher Columbus


In the 1500s, these two (2) countries were in a race to see who could become more powerful.

What are Spain and Portugal.


This is the name of the tribe that the Spaniards wiped out in the Caribbean.

What is the Tainos/Arawaks


Columbus was this nationality.

What is Italian


This was an agreement between Spain and Portugal. The treaty was aimed at settling conflicts over lands (New World) newly discovered or explored by Christopher Columbus in the 15th century.

What is the Treaty of Tordesillas.


This was a system of slavery that the indigenous people were forced into by the Spaniards

What is the encomienda system


Columbus made a total of this many voyages to the Caribbean and South America.

What is four (4)


When the Spanish began colonisation in the New World, they mainly occupied this group of islands in the Caribbean. Remember your geography now!

What is the Greater Antilles 


This word describes the mass killing of an ethnic group

What is genocide


These were the 3 ships that sailed with Columbus on his first voyage.

What are: the Pinta, Nina and Santa Maria


This is a country or area under the full or partial control of another country.

What is a colony


These two men tried to protect/help the Tainos in the Caribbean

Who are Bartolome de Las Casas and Antonio de Montesinos


This was Columbus’ plan to sail to Asia. He believed that since the world was round, if he sailed west from Europe, he could get to the east (Japan).

What is the Enterprise of the Indies.


This island would be established as one of the most important Spanish colonies. These two (2) colonies also occupied that one island

What is Hispaniola and St. Domingue and Santo Domingo.


The Spanish brought with them these invisible things that killed the indigenous peoples

What are diseases.