Never trust an atom, they make up EVERYTHING!
P- Table
May the Force be with YOU!
S, V, A
That Dude Newton

Name all the charges of the 3 parts of an atom.

Proton- positive

Neutron- neutral 

Electron- negative 


Which element is located at period 4  group 15? 



A skier going down a mountain is a ________ force.  



A pitcher throw a baseball 15 yards in 2.2 seconds. What is the average speed of the baseball?  (Don't forget the units and only 2 past the decimal) 

6.81 yards/sec

Which law is known as the Law of Inertia? 

1st law


How many elements are in this molecule 2HClO, list all the elements. 

3- Hydrogen, Chlorine, and Oxygen 


How many electrons are in one molecule of Bromine? 



Three students were pushing a box across the lab floor. Stuart applied a force of 5 N, Phil applied a force of 8 N, and Linda applied a force of 3 N. What is the net force 

16 Newtons 


What is the equation for Velocity? 

Speed= distance divided by time with a direction


When Jane drives to work, she always places her purse on the passenger’s seat. By the time she gets to work, her purse has fallen on the floor in front of the passenger seat. One day, she asks you to explain why this happens in terms of physics. What do you say?

Newton's 3rd law of motion, for every action there is an equal but opposite reaction. 

She may have stepped on the brakes which caused the purse to fall on the floor. 


How many atoms of Hydrogen are found in the molecule 10H4(O2) 

40 atoms of Hydrogen


How many neutrons are in one molecule of Nickel? 

31 Neutrons 


Two students are playing tug- o- war. Kevin pulls with a force of 50 N and Bob pulls the opposite direction with a force of 120 N. What is the net force applied to the rope? 

70 Newtons


Sketch a graph that represents someone driving to McDonalds for lunch, eating for 20 minutes and then driving home. (Don't forget to label ALL parts of the graph) 

Graph should have time and distance on the x and y axis with numbers. 

Horizontal line for 20 minutes


Determine which law of motion is represented by each example:

1. Your shoulder is pushed backwards after shooting a shotgun

2. Force= Mass times Acceleration 

3. A magician pulls a tablecloth out from under dishes and the glasses don't fall

1. Third 

2. Second 

3. First 


Is this equation balanced? 

C6H12O+ 6O=> 6C0+ 6H2



Which element is more reactivity, Xenon or Radium? 



A toy truck accelerates down a ramp at a rate of 6 m/sand hits a block at the bottom fo the ramp. If the mass of the toy truck is 0.25 kg, how much force will the toy truck apply to the block to the nearest tenth Newton? 

1.5 Newtons


Determine if the statements represent an example of speed, velocity, or acceleration. 

1. A child rides a bike around the block. 

2. While on a trip, a family travels east from San Antonio to Houston going 70 mph. 

3. The gray whale travels an average of 120 km per day as it migrates. 

1. Acceleration

2. Velocity 

3. Speed


A bowling ball or a soccer ball are both kicked with the same amount of force, but which object will have the greatest acceleration and why? 

Soccer ball because it has less mass. 


How many total atoms can be found in two molecules of 4Fe(HO2) ? 

32 total atoms


How many valance electrons can be found in one molecule of Gallium? 


A shopping cart full of groceries has a mass of 75 kg. While the shopping cart is at rest, a 22.5 N force is applied to the cart. What is the acceleration of the shopping cart to the nearest tenth m/s2

0.3 m/s2


Which one is the odd one out.. 

12 cm/s

0 m/s to 50 m/s

Going around a race track

Slowing down 

12 cm/s because it is speed and the others are acceleration  


How much force is needed to accelerate a 68 kilogram-skier at a rate of 1.2 m/sec2 ?

81.6 Newtons