The answer to a multiplication equation
What is a product?
The answer to a division equation
What is a quotient?
The answer to a subtraction equation
What is the difference?
The answer to an addition equation
What is the sum?
12:30pm and 1:00pm
What are the times for small group sessions?
The numbers that are multiplied
What are factors?
The number that you divide and what you divide the number by
What is the dividend and the divisor?
The operation that you can use to check your subtraction work
What is addition?
The numbers that are added
What are addends?
Aquaman's competitor (inside joke)
Who is aquifer?
4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 = ____ x _____
What is 6 x 4 as repeated addition?
The top little dot and the bottom little dot in a division symbol
What is the numerator and the denominator?
My age subtracted by the number of students in class 312/313
What is 44-13?
What is 44-15?
8 x 3 as repeated addition
1 headset, 1 pair of glasses, 1 copy of a Go Math Workbook, and a button-down shirt (inside joke)
What was the Mr. Doitteau Halloween costume?
6 x 3 = 18
What is an example of an inverse operation?
What is "left-over" when you divide
What is the remainder?
Some keywords/phrases that indicate subtraction
1. take away 6. difference
2. less than 7. decrease
3. minus 8. subtract
4. left 9. How much more
5. remains 10 How many are left
Some keywords/phrases that indicate addition
1. sum 7. add
2. combine 8. How many in all?
3. join 9. together
4. total 10. altogether
5. plus 11. increase
Some online programs we use in our math and science classes (Name at least 5)
What are the following:
1. Zoom 5.
2. Google Classroom 6. Mystery Science
3. Flipgrid 7. Jamboard
4. Think Central (PMT) 8. Google Slides
0.1, 0.01, 0.001
10, 100, 1,000
What are examples of powers of 10 less than 1 and greater than 1.
12 divided by 3 in fraction form
What is 12/3?
An example of regrouping in subtraction
Answers vary
An example of regrouping in addition
Answer vary