Month, Year, and Date of Cashew's Birthday
July 30th, 2015
What is Tanvi's all time favorite show?
The Vampire Diaries
It's an organized group or association, like the Red Hat or Humane
A society
Alex Trebek's constellation's brightest star is called Hamal, Arabic for "sheep"
The current record in this event has lasted 24 years (29 feet, 4.4 inches)
Long Jump
Name of Cashew's breeder and town where she lives
D'yani Walks Far, Brant, MI
What is Tanvi's favorite restaurant in Ann Arbor?
Get some sun in one of these glass-enclosed rooms or porches
A solarium
I'm this sign who was rewarded by Hera with a trip to the heavens after I pinched an enemy of hers
One degree of it is equal to about 69 miles at the equator
Who is the famous actress who liked Cashew's Instagram picture?
Lucy Hale
What is Tanvi's favorite ice cream? (be specific with brand and flavor)
Half Baked Ben and Jerry's
It's the 2-word chemical name for table salt; pass it around!
sodium chloride
I'm this wintertime sign; often the 2 symbolic figures are portrayed as being connected by a ribbon
Term for a 33 1/3 rpm phonograph disc
long-play record
How many biological siblings did Cashew have?
What is Tanvi's favorite movie?
Get Out
This capital near the center of the Balkans region was named for a church
I'm this sign & my name is also an ancient Roman unit of weight
This literary character has a parrot named Cap'n Flint
Long John Silver
How many pounds was Cashew's mother, Sushi, and how many pounds was Cashew's father, Sawyer?
Sushi-13 lb, Sawyer-7 lb
When was the first time Tanvi got drunk (month, year)?
July, 2017 in India
Paul Hindemith composed many of these, including ones for solo harp, English horn & bassoon
I'm this second sign of the zodiac, named for the kind of creature that terrorized Crete in Hercules' time
Oyster Bay laps at its shores
Long Island