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在我的学校,老师给我们很多作业。有时候,我得熬夜(áoyè; stay up late)做作业。你呢?请你告诉我你们学校的作业,你是怎么做的。








我去看你的时候,我们可以一起去看一场体育活动或者比赛,棒球,足球或者橄榄球(gǎnlǎnqiú;American football)都行。在你住的地方什么体育活动或者比赛很受欢迎(shòu huānyíng;popular)?请你给我讲讲。






在我们国家到处旅行,看不同的城市和地方,有很多种不同的方式(fāngshì ;  the way)。请你告诉我在你们国家人们用什么方式旅行。他们用什么样的交通方式,他们为什么那样做?




人们常常对某一个老师记忆深刻(shēnkè;deep)。就像我,我还记得我幼儿园(yòu'éryuán; kindergarten)的老师。她非常体贴(tǐ tiē; thoughtful),关心(guānxīn; care)别人。第一天上学的时候我非常害怕,她帮助了我。你呢?请你讲一个你以前的老师的故事。请用具体(jùtǐ ;specific)的例子说说她做了哪些让你难忘的事。


我打算当老师。在我住的地方,教师是受人尊敬(zūnjìng;respect)的职业。你考虑(kǎolǜ; consider0当老师吗?你认为当老师有哪些好处有哪些坏处?


 我喜欢做义工。帮助别人,改善别人的生活让我感觉很好。只要我们花时间,我们就可以帮助学校邻居和我们的地球。请详细地讲讲某一次你义务(yì wù; Volunteer)帮助别人的情况。你做了些什么,你从这次经历中学到了什么?


我们学校要求我们每个月做一次义工或者社区服务。我必须在一个小学帮忙。我帮同学们学数学。我很喜欢这个工作,可是有时候很难找时间做义工帮助别人。你觉得呢?学校应该要求(yāoqiú; request )学生做义工或者社区服务吗?为什么?


社交(shèjiāo; Social ) 媒体(méitǐ;media)有很多好处,可是也有人担心社交媒体给青少年带来了负面(fùmiàn;Negative)的影响。你认为社交媒体有哪些优点(yōudiǎn ; advantage)哪些缺点quēdiǎn;Disadvantage)?这种流行的沟通方式有什么好处什么坏处?




Situation: Students in your partner school in Harbin are interested in knowing more about favorite classes in your school. You and your classmates each respond by telling about your own favorite class.

Your task: Write about your favorite class. Tell what kinds of things happen in class, and why it is your favorite class.


Situation: A teacher from Shanghai is coming to visit your school. You will be introducing him/her to the members of the Chinese culture club. You decide to write a letter to the teacher before the visit.

Your task: Write the part of the letter in which you ask a number of questions to help you to learn more about his/her job, interests, family, home, etc. in order to better prepare your introduction.


You are working on a project for your Social Studies class about the differences in schedules for teens around the world. 

You decide to write to your penpal in China to find out more about his weekly schedule.

- Write an email to your penpal. Ask him lots of questions to learn about what he does each week. ---Ask him about his school schedule and other activities that he does regularly.


Situation: You are planning to apply for a yearlong overseas exchange program in Guangzhou. The application process requires an essay for your portfolio, written in Chinese in which you write about why you are a good candidate for the program "Your task: Write an essay of several paragraphs in length in which you explain why you are a good candidate (a recommendation for yourself).

You want to: 

1. Describe your language studies and how they have prepared you to live in a Chinese speaking country. 

2. Tell the story of a time when your ability to communicate in Chinese had a positive impact on an important situation. 

3. Write about how you plan to use your Chinese in the future. Be sure to provide lots of details. 


Situation: You have been asked to write for your school’s Chinese newsletter about social media.

Your task: Write an article of several paragraphs in length in which you:

1. Identify the social media that you or your friends most use and describe how it is used during a typical day. 

2. Provide a detailed account of a message or image that you received or read about on social media that was particularly memorable. Tell why it was memorable. 

3. Write about what you see as the future of social media. 


Your penpal from China wrote you an email. She wants to know more about family life in your country. 

-Write an email response to your penpal in which you describe how you or others spend time with family. --Tell her as much as you can about the kinds of activities people enjoy doing together as a family.


Your Chinese teacher asked you to write a post for your class blog about local art for exchange students coming to your town from Beijing. 

-Write a blog entry in which you explain where you can see art in your town or school and what kind of art you prefer and why.

- Give as much information as you can.


Your Chinese teacher has given you an assignment. You must write a letter to a famous Chinese-speaking person that you find interesting and invite them to speak at your school. 

-Think of a famous Chinese-speaking person that you find interesting. 

-Write a letter to them using an appropriate greeting and closing to your letter. 

-In two well-developed, organized paragraphs, be sure to address the following: 

 a. Explain why you are inviting this person to come to your school to present to the students and teachers. 

 b.Describe what the person will do when they visit your town and school. 

 c. Describe with lots of detail, from beginning to end, what the person will do during their visit.


Your friend in China wrote an email asking for your help on how to start a club at school. She wants to write a letter to the principal and asked you for ideas about what to write. Write a sample letter for your penpal to a school principal about starting a club. Use an appropriate greeting and closing to your letter. In two well-developed, organized paragraphs, be sure to address the following: Explain to the principal that students want to start a club. 

-Describe in detail what kind of club they want to start and why.

- Describe how this club will make a positive impact on the school. Provide lots of information and details explaining what kinds of activities and projects the members of the club will do and how they will positively affect the school and students.


In your Chinese class, you have been discussing communication. Your teacher assigned you to write a brief essay comparing and contrasting the differences in the way teens and adults communicate. 

-In two well-developed and organized paragraphs, write an essay in which you: 

-Describe the key differences in how adults and teens communicate where you live. 

-What means of communication do they typically use? Explain how these ways of communicating can affect the language and ideas expressed by the adults and teens. 

-Provide an example from the past that highlights the differences in communication that you identified. -Describe in as much detail as you can what happened and what was the result of this communication.