This award recognizes members who have made outstanding contributions to plant pathology in countries other than their own.
What is the International Service Award?
The decade that APS begins offering online subscriptions to Phytopathology, Plant Disease, and MPMI on the APS website.
What is the 1990's?
In 1946, the New England Division was renamed to this.
What is the Northeastern Division?
I am the AMB Director
Who is Paul Esker?
She is the current president of APS
Who is Lindsey J. du Toit?
This is the highest award bestowed by APS. It is presented on rare occasions.
What is the Award of Distinction?
This started as a monthly e-mail newsletter to complement Phytopathology News.
What is the APS News Capsule?
This division was formed and shares the name of a famous river in Washington DC.
What is the Potomac Division?
Plant Health 2021 is scheduled to be held in this city.
What is Memphis, Tennesse?
He will take over as APS President on Friday, August 14
Who is Mark Gleason?
This award recognizes outstanding contributions to plant pathology by APS members whose primary employment involves work outside the university and federal realms either for-profit or nonprofit.
What is the Excellence in Industry Award?
This cooperative venture was launched with APS, the American Society of Agronomy, the Crop Science Society of America, the Entomological Society of America, the Society of Nematologists, and the Weed Science Society of America.
What is The Plant Management Network?
This is the only division that does not include any US State.
What is the Caribbean Division?
In 2018, APS hosted the International Congress of Plant Pathology (ICPP) in this city?
What is Boston, Massachusetts?
This Board promotes and enhances the educational experience and professional development of APS members.
What is the APS Foundation Board?
In 2019, the book Little Otter Learns To Swim won this APS award.
What is The De Bary Children's Science Book Award?
APS recently launched webinars under this name to keep members connected with timely updates on the key issues facing our society.
What is APS Community Connection?
This division shares its name with an ocean.
What is the Pacific Division?
On Monday, he was the Opening Keynote speaker.
Who is Richard Harris?
The goal of this challenge is to increase publicly available digital resources available to instructors, extension personnel, and others involved with online education in plant pathology.
What is the 2021 Councilors’ Challenge?
APS awarded this for the first time in 1965.
What is the APS Fellowship award?
This has published more than 300 titles that cover the spectrum of plant disease and related topics.
What is APS Press?
This division includes, but is not limited to Texas and Florida.
What is the Southern Division?
In 1909, this American city held the first Annual Meeting.
What is Boston, Massachusetts?
This Board provides scientific input to public policy-making processes.
What is the APS Policy Board?