The year ITE was founded
What is Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices?
Sign Color: Indicated Movements, Direction Guidance (Milemarkers, exit signs)
What is Green?
The sign has 8 sides to it
What is Stop Sign?
The oldest section of all U.S. interstates is on...
What is I-70?
The number of districts in ITE
What is 10?
Transportation Investment Generating Economic Recovery,
The real world consideration of design speeds are based on
What is 85th percentile speed?
This type of sign has 3 sides to it
What is Yield Sign?
When was the law changed to set the minimum driving age to 16?
What is 1920?
The President of SoCal ITE
Who is Ed Alegre?
Average Annual Daily Traffic
How many parts does the MUTCD have?
9 Parts
This color is used for "regulation"
What is White or Black?
What is the main character in Disney's movie Cars
Lightning McQueen
The president of Western ITE
Who is Giancarlo Ganddini?
Better Utilizing Investments to Leverage Development
the longest vehicle permitted by statute of the road authority (State or other) on that roadway.
Design Vehicle
This color is used for "indicative movements permitted and direction guidance"
What is Green?
Incoming US Secretary of Transportation
Pete Buttigieg
(Peter Paul Montgomery Buttigieg)
The location of ITE's 2021 Western Conference
Portland, Oregon
What is National Highway Traffic Safety Administration?
a sign that is capable of displaying more than one message (one of which might be a “blank” display), changed manually, by remote control, or by automatic control
What is Changeable Message Sign(CMS)?
Pentagon (pointed up)
What is School Advance Warning Sign(squared bottom corners)?
This song name contains these lyrics:
"Oh, oh
I'm falling so I'm taking my time on my ride
Taking my time on my ride"
What is Ride by 21 Pilots?