His father had no father 他的父親沒有父親
Jesus 耶穌
Satan used this animal to tell the first lie 撒但用這種動物說第一個謊言
Serpent 蛇
Da Invite fo Go Meeting
Meeting invitation 聚會邀請單
Samson and Delilah 參孫和大利拉
Jackie Chiu (formerly Chen)
This couple twice pretended to be brother and sister 這對夫婦兩次假扮兄妹
Abraham and Sarah (Gen 12; Gen 20)
Jehovah talked to Ba'laam through this animal 耶和華通過這種動物同巴蘭說話
Donkey 驢(Num22:28)
"Stay Happy No Matta Wat!" three-day big meeting
"Always Rejoice!" Regional Convention 要常常歡欣!大會
Jezebel eaten by dogs 耶洗別被狗吃掉
Sally Lam 林玉英
This king had 700 wives, princesses, and 300 concubines 這個王有700個妻子,公主, 還有300個妃子
Solomon 所羅門 (1Kings 11:3)
This animal was used to save Jonah's Life. 這種動物拯救了約拿的性命
A huge fish 大魚 (Jonah 1:17)
Good Kine Tings God Like Tell us!
Good news From God! Brochure
Peter denies Jesus three times 彼得三次不認耶穌
Sammy So 蘇鏡森
Adam and Eve's third son 亞當和夏娃的第三個兒子
Seth 塞特(Gen 4:25)
These animals were commanded to bring bread and meat to Elijah. 這種動物被吩咐帶餅和肉送給以利亞
Ravens 渡鴉(1 Kings 17:4,6)
Open Your Ear Wen God Talk den Can Live Foeva
Listen to God and Live Forever Brochure
Jacob wrestled with angel 雅各跟天使摔跤
This pioneer was baptized June 29, 1996
(This person can’t answer, sorry) 這位先驅在6月29日1996年受浸 (這位先驅不能回答, 對不起!)
Rossana Ho 何淑嫺
This judge has 71 sons 這位士師有71個兒子
Gideon 基甸(Judges 8:30,31)
Samson sent these animals, carrying torches on the tails of each pair, to burn down the fields of the Philistines. 參孫在這種動物的尾巴中間插上火把, 燒掉非利士人的麥田
Foxes 狐狸(Judges 15:4,5)
How Life Goin Get Betta?
What is the Kingdom of God? Tract
Naaman’s washing 乃縵沐浴了七次 (2kings 5;1-19)
Starting from longest serving regular pioneer, put in order the following names:
請排列以下的正規先驅, 由做先驅時間最長的開始:
Frederick Chan, Ben Lau, Jannie Yeung, Cindy Li, Jenny Chen, Chuck Thorn, Anna Yu
Chuck Thorn - 60+years
Anna Yu - 34 years
Jannie Yeung- 27 years
Ben Lau- 14 years
Frederick Chan- 11 years
Cindy Li- 8 years
Jenny Chen- 1 year