Trauma Reactions
Coping Skills

What is "Trauma"? 

Trauma is any scary or terrifying experience that causes our brains to go into "fight or flight" survival mode.


What does TF-CBT stand for?

Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy


Describe the "Snake in the park" Metaphor. What does it stand for?

This metaphor describes trauma reminders when someone experiences something that reminds them of the previous trauma.


What is the trauma symptom "Zoning Out"? Why is it common for people to "zone out" after experiencing trauma?

"Zoning Out" is the brain's way of protecting people from difficult memories and feelings as a result of trauma. People may "zone out" as a way to escape, or they may "zone out" while they are experiencing unwanted trauma memories. People can learn to notice when their brain starts to "Zone out" and trauma reminders which may be causing their brain to do this. 


What is mindfulness?

Mindfulness is bringing our attention to the present moment, noticing current feelings and increasing feelings of calm. 


What are some common trauma symptoms?

Many kids feel intense fear and sadness after experiencing trauma. They may have nightmares, trouble sleeping, trouble concentrating, be very angry or even experience flash backs. They may experience unwanted memories or thoughts about the trauma that pop up when they are not expecting them. Kids who have been through trauma may become easily startled, have trouble with relationships and have trouble with trusting others. It's normal for different people who have been through the same type of trauma to have different reactions and there is no "correct" way to respond or feel.


What is TF-CBT?

TF-CBT is an evidence based therapy treatment for kids who have been through trauma, which includes their parents as part of the healing process.


Describe the "Beach Ball" metaphor.

The "beach ball" metaphor. Describes how ignoring our emotions makes them more intense.


What does Fight, Flight or Freeze mean?

When someone goes through something very scary or dangerous, their brain goes into survival mode and tries to protect them. The brain does this naturally by an automatic response that signals them to fight, run away, or freeze, in order to survive. Often, people who go through trauma will continue to experience fight or flight when they experience a "trauma reminder", which may be something that is not physically dangerous to them. Ex. Snake and stick metaphor.


How do relaxation skills help with trauma symptoms?

Relaxation skills help relax our brains by calming our physiological responses ex. reducing heart rate by slow breathing. Many relaxation skills can be practiced to reduce trauma symptoms when they occur.

What is a trauma "reminder"? 

Anything that reminds someone of the traumatic experience. The trauma reminder may cause someone to feel like they are back in the time the trauma happened, or to return to their "survival" "fight or flight" response.


How effective is TF-CBT in treating trauma?

Over 80% of kids who have completed TF-CBT see improvement in their trauma symptoms within 6 months.  It is the the most effective therapy treatment for kids who have been through trauma.


Describe the "Winter Coat" metaphor

The winter coat metaphor describes how  trauma symptoms may in some ways have been behaviors that protected you from danger in the past.


What are some common problems kids have after going through trauma?

Trouble concentrating, trouble sleeping, trouble with school, trouble with friendships or relationships, trouble with trusting others, intense anger, feeling detached or not present in their life, etc.


What relaxation skills have you learned so far in therapy?

 Deep breathing, 5 senses, muscle relaxation, safe space visualization, mindfulness music


What can kids do to begin managing trauma symptoms?

Practice relaxation skills, begin processing trauma in therapy, use coping or distracting skills. No person who has been through trauma has the same timeline for recovery.


How long does TF-CBT last?

TF-CBT can last between 4-6 months, depending on your pace through the trauma treatment model.


Describe the "Wound" Analogy

A wound hurts the most right after the injury occurs. A wound improves with time and care. However, if you ignore a wound without treating it in can become more dangerous to your health.


What percent of kids have experienced any type of trauma?

The CDC estimates 50% of children and adolescents in the U.S. have experienced at least one type of the following traumas: physical abuse, sexual abuse, violence, emotional trauma or neglect.


What relaxation skills can help with sleep?

Deep breathing, muscle relaxation, mindfulness music


When do trauma symptoms "go away"? 

Through TF-CBT therapy trauma symptoms improve significantly. Some symptoms may disappear completely, while others might reduce in intensity but still resurface at a manageable level from time to time. It is normal for trauma symptoms to resurface at later times in your life, such as when you are dealing with intense stress or change. These usually pass and can be managed with the coping skills you will learn in TF-CBT.

What components does TF-CBT cover to improve trauma symptoms?

Psychoeducation, Relaxation, Affective Expression, Cognitive Coping


Describe your "survival brain".

Your brain has three parts, the lower "survival brain", "the middle "emotional brain", and the higher "Thinking brain".  Trauma causes people to access their "survival" brain. Often, people remain in their "survival" and "emotional" brain after going through trauma. Relaxation and coping skills can help people access the "Thinking" part of their brain to make decisions and manage challenges in life.


What percent of youth in the U.S. have experienced sexual abuse?

1 in 4 girls (25%) and 1 in 6 boys (16%) will report experiencing sexual abuse before age 18.


What relaxation skills can help with "zoning out" and physiological responses (rapid heart rate, room spinning, etc.)?

5 senses is the most effective relaxation skill to manage attention when you zone out and de-escalate intense anxiety responses such as circling thoughts. Deep breathing and muscle relaxation can also help reduce physiological responses.