
The Washington Nationals won the World Series in 2019.  This baseball team is the only team never to have even appeared in a World Series.  

Who are the Seattle Mariners?


This invertebrate lives where there is moisture, food, oxygen and favorable temperature. 

What are worms?


He was one of the greatest saxophone players in the history of jazz. 

Who is John Coltrane?


The actor in this movie realized he was basing his houseboy character on his own grandmother.  

The Birdcage. (Greatest Movie Ever Made)

Pi can be written as a decimal, but not as a fraction which is an example of this type of number. 

What is an irrational number?


Boasting as the world's happiest country, this country also has the largest yearly consumption per capita of coffee (26 pounds) in the world. 

What is Finland? 


Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds.

What are postal carriers?


The “Mercedes” part of Mercedes-Benz was named after this relative of Emil Jellinek, an automobile entrepreneur working at the Benz company in 1901.  

Who is his daughter? 


This good friend of Picasso ran a small art school named after himself in Paris between 1908 and 1911. 

Who is Henri Matisse.  The art school was called Academie Matisse.  


This part of the car features the timing chain, camshaft, crankshaft, spark plugs, cylinder heads, valves and pistons.

What is the engine block?


Fathers and Daughters is a 2015 U.S.-Italian drama film directed by Gabriele Muccino and starring this Australian actor.

Who is Russell Crowe?


These small, chewy fruit candies were invented in 1922 by Hans Riegel.

What are gummy bears?


Bossa Nova, a style of Brazilian music derived from samba, places more emphasis on melody and less on this.     

What is percussion?


A powdered substance that is mixed with a liquid especially to impart color to coating materials (such as paints). 

What is pigment?


This corn husking State tops the list as the most bacon-centric state, with a consumption rate that's a whopping 132% above the national average.

What is Nebraska?


Beatles fans were so relentless in stealing this street sign, that Liverpool switched to painting the street name directly on the buildings rather than replacing the signs. 

What is Penny Lane?


This geographical location consistently has the most shark attacks globally. 

What is Florida?


Today, hockey pucks are made of vulcanized rubber and measure three inches in diameter. But according to reports, the first hockey puck used in the 1800s was made of frozen this.  

What is cow dung? 


The Louvre was temporarily given this new name by a notoriously egotistical dictator when he came into power. 

What is the Musée Napoleon.


This word is used to describe a mixture of two or more liquids that are normally unmixable owing to liquid-liquid phase separation. Oil and Vinegar is an example. 

What is emulsion? 


Daisy the Dinosaur is an app that helps kids as young as 4 learn the basic concepts of this computer activity.

What is coding? 


Three of the 5 sports included in the first Winter Olympics.     

What are Bobsleigh, Skiing, Ice Hockey, Curling and Skating. 


Before 2009, this letter did not exist in Portuguese writing. 

What is  k, y, or w?


Three of the 4 countries bordering Azerbaijan.

What is Russia, Georgia, Armenia and Iran?


Fly fishing is a distinctive method developed primarily to catch this type of fish, although it has now extended to other species.

What is trout?