Who was Theodora?
Justianian's wife.
A person was innocent until proven ________?
What is inflation?
A. Rapid decrease in prices
B. Rapid increase in prices
C. Steady prices over a period of time
D. Hunger
B. Rapid increase in prices
What is a missionary?
A person sent out to carry a religious message.
What is the definition of a plague?
A.Rapid increase in a sickness
B. Vaccination
C. An epidemic disease
D. Virus
C. An epidemic disease
What is a Laity?
A. Rare church members
B. Regular church members
B. Regular church members
What language did they speak in the Byzantine Empire?
B. Vernacular
C. Latin
D. Greek
What is an abess?
Head of the convent.
What happened to the Roman Empire in the 3rd centuary?
A. The empire came near a collapse
B. The empire created a army
C. The empire completely collapsed
D. The empire built themselves up
A. The empire came to a near collapse.
What was the punishment for murder in Justinian's Code?
A.Murder was punished by a prison sentence or death
B.Murder was punished by banishment
B. Murder was punished by banishment
Who was this person?
He did such a good job way back in the year 500 that new and existing governments still refer to his laws as guides when creating laws for their own country.
In Islam you pray toward _________ , _____ times a day.
B.Muhammad, 5
C.Makkah, 5
D.Makkah, 3
D. Makkah , 3
Who said this quote?
"In my opinion, flight is not the right course, even if it should bring us to safety. It is impossible for a person, having been born into this world, not to die;"
A. Confucuios
B. King Louis XVl
C. Theodora
D. Justinian
C. Theodora
What kingdom did not have a single founder?
Who did Clovis win the support of?
The Roman Catholic or the Eastern Orthodox
Roman Catholic.
What was the longest city in medieval Europe?
What is the term bishopic?
A group of Christian communities under the authority of a bishop*1.
* 1 - senior member of a Christian clergy
Who was Marcus Aurelius? The last of the ___, "______ Emporer".
A.5, good
B.5, horrendous
C.2, good
D.2, horrendous
A. 5, good
What is monasticism?
Practice of living a monk.
Justinian and his government council were ready to flee the country as the riot spilled out of the stadium and across the _____.
C. City
Was Confucius a philosophy or a religion?
Confucius was a philosophy.
What is the definition of the term clergy?
A Clergy is a church leader
What is the definition of Iconoclast?
Iconoclast is the destruction of religious images or beliefs.
What was the name of the last feast at the end of Ramadan?
The name of the last feast at the end of Ramadan was called Ela-al-Fitr.
When did Justian rule as Emporer?
Justinian Reigned as an Emporer of the Holy Roman Empire from the year 527-565.