Multiple Meaning Words
Past Tense

What does the word "bat" mean in the sentence below?

The bat flew out of the cave and scared me.

What is a small black animal that flies around at night?


Another word for tired

What is sleepy?


This means the opposite of whisper

What is shout?


This is the past tense of SIT

What is SAT?


Splat! "Oh, rats!" thought Katie as she stooped to clean up the mess. "I hope we have another one." She looked in the fridge and pulled out the carton. One left! Breakfast wasn't ruined after all.

What did Katie clean up? How do you know?

What is a broken egg?


What does the word "bat" mean in the sentence below?

When I hit the ball with my bat, it flew over the fence.

What is a club-like stick used to hit a ball?


Another word for difficult

What is hard?


This means the opposite of crooked 

What is straight?

This is past tense of RUN

What is RAN?


The sun was shining down and I felt so thirsty. I could not wait to jump in the water to cool down. Good thing I remembered sunscreen! 

Where do you think I was going? What time of year do you think it was?

What is the BEACH/POOL? What is SUMMER?


What does the word patient in the following sentence?

The teacher thanked the students for being patient during the fire drill.

What is staying calm without complaining?


Another word for afraid

What is scared?


This means the opposite of true

What is false?


This is the past tense of WRITE?

What is WROTE?


"Kenneth!" Mom called out as she opened the front door. "Please help me with my groceries. Kenneth!" mom called out. Still there was no reply. Mom walked into the kitchen and saw the shattered pieces from the window all over the floor and a baseball not far from there. 

Why do you think Kenneth was not answering to his mom? Why do you think so?

Kenneth accidentally broke a window while he was outside playing baseball. He's not answering because he doesn't want to get into trouble.


What does the word minor mean in the following sentence?

The cut was minor, so I all needed was a bandage.

What is not serious?

Another word for incorrect

What is wrong?


This means the opposite of smooth

What is rough?

This is the past tense of SEE

What is SAW?


Cody knew he was in big trouble. He looked glumly at the math test on the desk in front of him. The door opened and Mr. Anders came into the office. "I've called your parents and they are on their way" he said.

Why is Cody in trouble?

What makes you think so?

Cody is in trouble because he cheated on his math test.


What does the word handle mean in the following sentence?

My best friend didn't handle it well when she found out she couldn't go to the party.

What is to manage or deal with?


Another word for alike

What is same?


This means the opposite of few

What is many?


This is the opposite of RIDE

What is RODE? 


"Ouch!" Lucy had fallen again! She shivered and picked herself back up. Then she spotted her older sister Sarah, gliding backwards. She was so graceful. Sarah made everything look so easy. 

What is Lucy doing?

How do you know?

Lucy was learning to ice skate.