What are the first 5 books in the Bible
What is Genesis,Exodus,Leviticus,Book of Numbers, and Deuteronomy.
What is the last book in the Bible
What was the first Gospel Written
What is Mark
Which Book in the Bible contains the most verses and what is that number.
Which is book did David write the most in.
What is Psalms
What was the last gospel written
What is John?
What is the shortest book
in the bible.
What is the Third Book of John
True or False: Do the Gospels teach about Jesus' life
How many promises are made in the Bible.
What is 8,810
What was most likely the first of Paul's letters written
1 Thessalonians
What is the shortest book in the Gospels
What is Mark
How many times does Jesus say I am
What is 300 times
Which books of the Bible record Davids time as king
1st and 2nd Samuel
How many words are in the Gospels