How do they feel

The feeling you have when you hit your finger with a hammer

What is pain?


I hit my toe and react with a stomp or scream.

What is downstairs brain?


Your friend has a triple decker ice cream cone and takes one lick and then it falls on the ground. What do the feel?

What is disappointment/sadness?


You just saw your favorite candy and had enough money to buy it! You feel______

What is excited?

Ahhhhh a bear! You take off running as fast as you can, get in your cabin and slam the door!

What is flight?


The feeling when you make plans with a friend and they cancel at the last minute. 

What  is disappointment?


someone jumps out and says 'BOO' and I pee my pants

What is the downstairs brain?


You and your friend are playing a game and after a tight race your friend wins. How do they feel?

What is satisfaction?


Your dog is jumping all around and brings you a stick to throw! He feels______

What is Playful/ happy?


Your about to take a spelling quiz in class and suddenly your mind goes blank !

What is freeze?


The feeling when you hear of sudden bad news.

What is shock/disbelief?


A friend took my toy and it makes me angry, I take a deep breath and say "please, friend, will you give me back my  toy" 

What is the upstairs brain?


2 years ago your friend was bit by sparky the neighbors dog. Today you are walking in the park and your friend hears a very big dog barking. How might your friend be feeling?

What is fear?


Your Aunt always does what she says she will do! you may have this feeling for her.

What is trust?


Someone tells you some terrible news, you feel light headed and next thing you know you wake u on the floor!

What is faint?


The feeling you may get when you make a mistake in front of others.

What is embarrassment?


A friend takes my toy and I get so angry I scream and hit them.

What is downstairs brain?


Your friends family had a birthday party, a house fire, and a hale storm damage their car all in the same week! How might they be feeling?

What is stressed?


You took the baseball bat and knocked the piñata wide open with one big swing!!! You feel____

What is powerful?


Someone took your most favorite stuffed animal right out of your hands! You think "How dare you?!" and give the the biggest push you can!

What is fight?


The feeling you get when you feel like nothing will get better?

What is depression/despair?


I am in the woods and see a bear, I hold my breath and carefully sneak behind a tree until it passes.

What is the upstairs brain?


You just made your favorite snack; pickles, anchovies, cottage cheese and licorice -yum yum! Your friend takes one look at your delicious snack and seems to turn green! How might they be feeling? 

What is disgusted?


You spent time relaxing under a tree with your favorite book while listening to the breeze in the trees and the birds chirping. You feel _____

What is relaxed?


Your parent is mad and starts yelling loudly at you to clean your room or no game/play time! You hang your head low shoulders drooping as you walk slowly to your room to put away your things.

What is submit?