Bible Prophecies
Bible Verses
Bible Characters
Bible Events
Bible Illustrations

Each year on Nissan 14, Hebrew families would share a meal that included a young unblemished lamb. The Passover lamb represents this person 

(John 3:16) Who is Jesus?


This Scripture says, “Find exquisite delight in Jehovah, And he will grant you the desires of your heart.”

What is Psalm 37:4


Who was the king who did not favor the Israelites?

Who is Pharoah? (Exodus 1:6-22)


This event gave us a second chance at perfection.

What is the sacrifice of Jesus Christ?


Jesus denounced these two groups when he compared them to white washed graves (Matthew 23:27).  

Who are the Scribes and Pharisees.


The rider of the red horse represents 

(Revelation 6:4)What is Warfare?


“_____________________ but needs to be gentle toward all, qualified to teach, showing restraint when wronged.”

What is “a slave of the Lord does not need to fight”?-2 Timothy 2:24


Which bible character was tested by satan?

Who is Job? (Job 2:2-8; 42:10-17)


This was the first event to happen after the Israelites crossed over into the promised land. 

What is the fall of the walls of Jericho? 


In the parable of the Good Samaritan, these two liquids were used by the Good Samaritan to help the injured mans wounds (Luke 10:34).  

What is oil and wine?  


This man directed his troops to divers the waters of the Euphrates, which lead to the downfall of Babylon.

(Isaiah 45:1) Who is Cyrus


 This Scripture says, “You keep track of my wandering. Do collect my tears in your skin bottle. Are they not recorded in your book?”

What is Psalm 56:8?


Who was the Chief over the tax collectors that repented?

Who is Zacchaeus? (Luke 19:7,8)


This event proved who is a false god and who is the true God. 

What is Elijah and the 450 Baal prophets at Mount Carmel?


At Matthew 13:44-46, Jesus talks about the traveling merchant who finds one pearl of high value, and sold all the things he had to buy the pearl.  This one pearl of high value illustrates this.

What is the precious truth of the kingdom?


Isiah prophesied that the messiah would not be accepted by the majority in Israel, but would instead become a 

(Isiah 8:14) What is a stone of stumbling or what is a trap/snare?


The verse, “I will eagerly pursue the way of your commandments Because you make room for it in my heart,” is found in this book and chapter.

What is Psalm 119?


Which bible character died but still speaks to us today?

Who is Abel? (Hebrews 11:4)


This event involved Caleb in his old age.

What is take the city of Hebron, the stronghold of the giant Anakim?


This nation was likened to a wild vine without good fruit and fit only for the fire (Ezekiel 15:1-8).

This nation was likened to a wild vine without good fruit and fit only for the fire (Ezekiel 15:1-8).


Nebuchadnezzar had a dream about a statue with a head of gold, chest and arms of silver, stomach and thighs of copper, and feet of iron mixed with clay. The stomach and thighs represent this world power

(Daniel 2:32,39) What is Greece?


This book contains the following verse: “Since he did not even spare his own Son but handed him over for us all, will he not also, along with him, kindly give us all other things?“

What is Romans?


Which female bible character has no name?

Who is The little Israelite girl? (2 Kings 5:2-4)


Samson showed his strength by doing this at the city of Gaza.

What is carrying the gates 37 miles up a mountain?


Proverbs 11:22 compares a woman that is pretty, but turns away from sensibleness, to this type of adornment, worn by a specific farm animal.

What is a gold nose ring in the snout of a pig?