Financial Aid
Campus Services

This is where you can find a statement of all your tuition, fees, payments, financial aid and other credits for a specific semester. 

Term Bill


This place provides comprehensive services and resources to assist with researching careers, finding job opportunities, preparing for graduate school, improving resume writing and interviewing skills, and landing appropriate internships for career advancement. 

Career Center


This office accepts payments from students and the campus community to ensure accurate postings of these transactions to student accounts. This office also provides reimbursements to students and payroll distribution for staff and faculty.

Cashiers Office or Financial Aid Office


For students seeking individual or group therapy, you can find a safe supportive space here to collaboratively identify and begin to engage in thoughts, behaviors, and beliefs that support you to become your best self.

Counseling Center


This Megan Thee Stallion Song is all about the $$$$$$

Money Good by Meg Thee Stallion


You can go here to get support for a range of learning subjects in either small groups or one-on-one to clarify important concepts with the understanding that everyone can learn and improve given sufficient time, attention, and encouragement.

Learning/Tutoring Center


This is the amount it costs for 1 year of college, including housing and food (“room and board”), fees, books, travel (to/from campus including for breaks if going away), and personal expenses.

Cost of Attendance


This place offers a variety of programs, activities, services, and facilities. It may contain lounges, wellness centers, dining facilities or vendors, and entertainment venues. This place often houses student affair offices, offices of the student government, or other student groups. It may also act host small conferences, with its meeting rooms rented out to student groups and local organizations holding conferences or competitions.

Student/Campus Center


This is an estimate of how much your family can afford to pay for you to attend college. It is determined by the financial information you provide on your FAFSA. Colleges use this to help determine your eligibility for financial aid.

Expected Family Contribution (EFC)


If you have any disabilities that need accommodating, you should locate this place on campus. Every student deserves equal opportunity during their college experience, and it’s the job of those who work here to make sure helpful accommodations are available.

Office of Disability Services