No Name 1
No Name 2
No Name 3

A rocket is traveling toward space. What force must the rocket act against as it moves away from Earth?

A. inertia

B. gravity

C. magnetism

D. momentum



Four cubes made of different materials are moving down a plastic slide. Which cube would experience the greatest amount of friction?

A. the cube made of ice

B. the cube made of sandpaper

C. the cube made of smooth plastic

D. the cube made of polished stone

B. The cube made of sandpaper


Which best explains why a bicycle slows down when its brakes are applied?

A. The brakes heat the rubber on the bicycle tires. 

B. The brakes add energy to the bicycle. 

C. The brakes increase the force of gravity on the bicycle. 

D. The brakes cause frictional forces on the wheels of the bicycle.

D. The brakes cause frictional forces on the wheels of the bicycle. 


Anna ran 100 meters in 20 seconds. What was her average speed?

A. 2 m/s

B. 5 m/s

C. 20 m/s

D. 25 m/s

5 m/s


After throwing a basketball through the net, Anna observed the ball as it hit the ground. Which is most likely responsible for the ball hitting the ground?

A. friction

B. mass

C. gravity

D. speed

C. Gravity


A ball is kicked and rolls along a level field until it comes to a stop. What is most responsible for the ball coming to a stop?



John pushed two identical toy cars across the same flat smooth floor. Why did both cars travel the same distance?

A. because he pushed the cars at the same time

B. because he pushed the cars at different times

C. because he applied different forces to the two cars

D. because he applied the same force to each of the two cars

D. because he applied the same force to each of the two cars


This table shows the mass of four toy cars.

Car                            Mass

W                               10 g

X                                20 g

Y                                30 g

Z                                40 g

 Which car will roll the farthest when all cars are pushed at the same time with the same amount of force?

Car W


If a car is moving backward along a road, can its speed be measured?

A. Yes, it can, because the car does not have friction acting on it. 

B. Yes, it can, because the car travels a distance in a certain amount of time.

C. No, it cannot, because speed can only be measured if the car is moving forward. 

D. No, it cannot because the distance traveled backward by a car cannot be measured.

B. Yes, it can, because the car travels a distance in a certain amount of time.


Which item will require the most force to move?

A. an empty wagon

B. a wagon full of bricks

C. a wagon full of apples

D. a wagon full of feathers

B. A wagon full of bricks


A librarian stacked two identical carts of books. One cart was completely filled, while the second was half-filled. What will happen when the carts are moved?

A. Both carts will require the same amount of force to push.

B. The cart with the most books will require a greater force to push.

C. The cart with the fewest books will require a greater force to push.

D. The cart with the most books will require a greater force of gravity to push.

B. The cart with the most books will require a greater force to push.


A bowling ball moves across a flat surface at 7 feet per second. If a student is asked to calculate the total distance traveled by the ball, what other information does the student need to know?

A. amount of friction between the ball and the surface

B. amount of force applied to the ball 

C. total time the ball rolled 

D. mass of the ball

C. Total time the ball rolled


Mason pushed a cart containing a stack of textbooks and stopped suddenly. Which would most likely happen to the books on the cart?

A. The books would slide sideways off of the cart.

B. The books would slide off the front of the cart.

C. The books would slide off of the back of the cart.

D. The books would stay stacked until the cart moves again.

C. The books would slide off the back of the cart. 


Kyle and John are taking a road trip. The car travels a greater distance during the second hour of the trip than the first hour. Which can most likely be concluded?

A. The car is moving at a constant speed during the entire trip.

B. The car is moving faster during the first hour of the trip than in the second hour.

C. The car is moving faster during the second hour of the trip than in the first hour.

D. The car is moving in a different direction the second hour of the trip than in the first hour.

C. The car is moving faster during the second hour of the trip than in the first hour.


Which system in the human body includes the heart, blood, arteries, and veins?
