Fill in the Blank
Bible Characters
Science and the Bible
Bible Books
Bible History

John 3:16. For God loved the world so much he gave his_______.

What is his "only-begotten Son"?


An Angel took this mans hand and the hands of his family and led him out of Sodom.

Who is Lot?


A colorful arch in the sky from Jehovah representing his promise to never flood the entire earth again.

What is a Rainbow?


This Bible book was named after a wealthy, non Israelite worshiper of Jehovah who kept his integrity through many painful trials.

What is the book of Job?


According to the Bible's lunar calendar, this is an observance held on Nisan 14. 

The memorial of Jesus' death.

Also called the Lord's evening meal or the Lord's supper.


 And he will wipe out every tear from their eyes and ____ will be no more.

What is death at Revelation 21:4?


These heavenly creatures are called by a name that literally means, 'Messenger"

What are Angels?


In Job 26:7, this is suspended upon nothing.

What is the earth?


A book also called the Apocalypse of John the Apostle.

What is the book of Revelation?


God's Kingdom began to rule and the whole world changed on this year in history.

What is the year 1914?


Isaiah 43:10. You are my _____ declares Jehovah.

What are my witnesses?


The husband of Bathsheba that David had killed.

Who is Uriah?


While the world around them suffered disease, Jehovah protected his people by strict laws on this practice, which was ahead of its time. 

Good hygiene, cleanliness, quarantine.


The Torah, the Pentateuch, or The Law of Moses.

What are the first 5 books of the Bible?


An every 50 festival of liberty observed by the Israelites.

What is the Jubilee year?


Romans 6:23 says," For the wages sin pays is death, But the gift God gives is _______ ____ by Christ Jesus our Lord.

What is everlasting life?


The only legal Queen of Israel.

Who was Queen Athaliah?


Long before man discovered the many dangers of this substance, Jehovah asked his people not to eat it. 

What is blood?


This book of the Bible was written by one of the wisest men to ever live and it can help us be wise too.

What is the book of Proverbs?


This is the oldest known biblical text found in a cave near the Dead Sea in 1947 and proves that the Bible has not changed.

What are the Dead Sea Scrolls?


Satan told the first lie when he said to Eve, "You certainly will not ___"

What is die?


A short man who climbed a sycamore tree to see Jesus.

Who is Zac chae'us?

According to Romans 1:20, it is inexcusable not to see God's qualities and to know that he exists by looking at this.

What is creation.


This book of the Bible is about true love, which originated with Jehovah.

What is the Song of Solomon?


Jesus came from the Royal line of this king.

Who is King David?