Person Under Investigation
no number associated with this file
What is send to research?
teachers are listed in the criteria for being vaccinated in Indiana
what is False
Status changed to became a case
What is Close Contact Became a Case
work this queue between 8am and 9am
What is 2nd Attempt?
What is a Close Contact
voicemail box has not been set up yet
What is never goes to Research?
all agents must be ready to take calls 10 minutes after their shift starts
What is True?
reports concerns over exposure date.
What is close contact disagrees with exposure date template
work this/these queues from 1:30 to 2:30
What is 2nd, 3rd, WFU
What is Medical Escalations Unit?
This number has calling restrictions in place that prevents the completion of your call.
What is goes to research?
If you are having technical issues with Genesys you are to set your status to Technical Issues Only and call the Maximus IT line.
What is False?
status changed to opted out
what is close contact already a case?
work this queue from 2:30 to close?
What is 1st, 2nd, 3rd and WFU if any thing is left?
What is Multi-Case Group
What is send to Research?
I am scheduled already for my first dose so I can call in and be scheduled for my second dose
What is False?
Today's Date • Time • MEU Transfer Note • Agent ID
S: (Situation)
B: (Background)
A: (Assessment)
R: (Recommendation)
What is Medical Escalation SBAR Format
work this/these queues from 9am to 1:30pm?
what is 1st call attempt?
What is Situation, Background, Assessment and Recommendation?
what is does not go to research?
This link https://vaccine.coronavirus.in.gov (public link) can be used to schedule your 2nd dosage appointments.
What is false?
reports concerns over test results
What is Pui disagrees with Test Results Template?
never work cases in this queue
what is Contact Search Queue?