La frase 'todos los días' significa....

La frase todos los días signfica 'everyday'


This is the verb form that takes place in the place, but is an action that one used to or would do over the course of time, with regularity...

What is the imperfect?


Past tense is used for well defined actions that have started and ended within a set period of time... What do the following verbs mean in the past and who is doing them?

ella jugó, ayer nosotros montamos las bicis, tu comiste toda mi sopa

What is she played, yesterday we rode the bikes, and you ate all mi soup?


So, in the present tense all 'ar' verbs follow this pattern: o, as, a, amos, an...

Can you conjugate these 3 regular 'ar' verbs in the present tense? (tomar, hornear, y hablar)

What is.... yo tomo, tú tomás, él/ella toma, nosotros tomamos, y ellos toman. 

yo horneo, tú horneas, él/ella hornea, nosotros horneamos, y ellos hornean.

yo hablo, tú hablas, él/ella habla, nosotros hablamos, y ellos hablan


How might you say 'tomorrow I cook dinner for my family'?

Mañana yo cocinaré la cena para mi familia

La palabra después significa...

La palabra después significa 'after'


All 'ar' verbs in the imperfect end in aba, abas, aba, ábamos, and aban... What would the imperfect, first person (yo) look like for the verb 'trabajar'

What would 'yo trabajaba' be?

The verb 'llegar' means to arrive in Spanish and is perfectly regular... How would you conjugate 'llegar' in the past tense with all five pronouns?

What is 'yo llegaba', 'tú llegabas', 'él/ella llegaba', 'nosotros llegábamos', y 'ellos llegaban'?


How would you say my sister and I always clean my room on Sundays

What would 'Mi hermana y yo siempre limpiamos mi cuarto los domingos?


How would you translate...

This summer I will dance with the Joffrey Dance Company

Este verano yo bailaré con la Compañía de Baile Joffrey.


La palabra 'aprender' significa...

La palabra 'aprender' significa to learn.


What is the full conjugation of the verb jugar in the imperfect?

What is... Yo jugaba, tú jugabas, ella jugaba, nosotros jugábamos, y ellos jugaban?

How would you say 'Yesterday I cleaned my room with my sister'?

Ayer yo limpié mi cuarto con mi hermana?


The verb 'ver' means to see... Conjugate the verb 'ver' completely and say 'I see very well' in Spanish

Remember: o, es, e, emos, en...

What is yo veo, tú ves, él/ella ve, nosotros vemos, y ellos ven.

Yo veo muy bien.


I will learn a lot in school tomorrow.

Yo aprenderé mucho en la escuela mañana.


La palabra 'invierno' significa...

La palabra 'invierno' significa winter.


All 'ir' and 'er' verbs in the imperfect end with 'ía' with the exception of some irregular verbs... what is the full conjugation of the verb 'ir' in the imperfect?

(Use your book;)

What is... yo iba, tú ibas, ella iba, nosotros íbamos, and ellos iban?


How would you say using the past... 'My mom cooked a delicious soup last week'?

What is 'Mi mamá cocinó una sopa deliciosa la semana pasada'?

The verb 'tener' is actually irregular as it changes stems from 'e' to 'ie'.... What would the full conjugation of the verb tener be in the present and how would you say... 'He has a lot of money' in Spanish?

What is yo tengo, tú tienes, él/ella tiene, nosotros tenemos, y ellos tienen?

Él tiene mucho dinero.


The verb tener is irregular in the future but in a different way than the present...

How would you conjugate 'tener' in the future?

(Use your book!!)

yo tendré, tú tendrás, él/ella tendrá, nosotros tendremos, y ellos tendrán


La palabra 'escalar' significa...

La palabra 'escalar' significa to climb.


The verb 'vivir' means to live... How would you say 'we used to live there for many years?'

What is... 'nosotros vivíamos allí por muchos años'?


You already know the verb 'ir' or to go is an irregular in the imperfect and now also in the past tense...

What is the full conjugation of the verb 'ir' in the past tense?

What is yo fui, tú fuiste, él/ella fue, nosotros fuimos, y ellos fueron?

What are five activities you like to do or normally have to do on Sundays using the a mi me gusta+the infinitive form....

Por ejemplo: A mi me gusta mucho descansar los domingos...

A mi me gusta... (las respuestas variarán)


Can you make up 3 simple sentences using verbs you know, how to conjugate in the future, and your vocabulary base??


Por ejemplo: Esta semana cocinaré algo nuevo en la cocina.

Answers will vary;)