Six rescue dogs named Skye, Rubble, Marshall, Rocky, Zuma and Chase.
Paw Patrol
The movie with Dart Vader, Obi-Wan Kenobi and Han Solo.
Star Wars.
The toys come inside chocolate.
Kinder Chocolate Eggs.
Who is the 46th President of the United States?
Joe Biden.
....... he like strawberries?
Sponge Bob's best friend.
Greg's little brother in "Diary of a Wimpy Kid".
In this game you try not to go to jail.
What's the name of Mickey Mouse's pet dog?
We ........................ (play) Jeopardy now.
We are playing Jeopardy now.
She is pink and has a brother named George.
Peppa Pig.
A boy who went to the world of the dead in Mexico.
Collect them, trade them, play with them...gotta catch 'em all!
What's the name of the Queen of England?
Queen Elizabeth II
........ you watching a movie?
Are you watching a movie?
A family with one brother and 10 sisters.
The Loud House.
The characters all wear overalls. They are all yellow and wear round glasses.
The Minions.
It is sticky and comes in many different colours.
They live in a sewer and were trained by a rat to fight crime.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.
......... you got brothers or sisters?
Have you got brothers or sisters?
The show with Beast Boy, Starfire, Robin, Cyborg and Raven.
Teen Titans Go!
A Panda who loves to eat noodles and baozi.
Kung Fu Panda.
There's a King and a Queen, two knights and two bishops.
Who wrote Romeo and Juliet?
William Shakespeare.
We ................. (not speak) Italian now, we are speaking English.
We aren't speaking Italian now, we are speaking English.