or, because, as
but, however, although
and, too, as well as
because, as, for

We couldn't go out. It was raining. (because)

We couldn't go out because it was raining. 


Paul is good at English. He is bad at Spanish. (but)

Paul is good at English but bad at Spanish


Kim is a ballet dancer. Larry is a ballet dancer. (as well as)

Kim is a ballet dancer as well as Larry. 


Edward can't find his things. His room is a mess.  (as)

Edward can't find his things as his room is a mess.


Sally records notes in her notebook. She can read them later.

Sally records notes in her notebook because/as she can read them later.


I drank two bottles of water. I was thirsty. (as)

I drank two bottles of water as I was thirsty


The sun is shining. It is still cold outside. (however)

The sun is shining however, it is still cold outside.


David irons his shirt. Jimmy irons his hat. (and)

David and Jimmy iron their shirts. 


We quickly took our seats. The show was about to start. (for)

We quickly took our seats for the show was about to start. 


Max delivered the paper today. It was wet.

Max delivered the paper today however/but/although it was wet.


Everyone was singing. Everyone was having fun. (because)

Everyone was singing because everyone was having fun. 


I can translate. I can't have a conversation. (although)

I can translate although I can't have a conversation.


The empire is known for marble. The empire is known for spices. (too)

The empire is known for marble and spices too.

The empire is known for marble. The empire is known for spices too.


The explorer couldn't explore. He had no junk. (because).

The explorer couldn't explore because he had no junk.


The dog roams the meadow. The cat roams the meadow.

The dog roams the meadow and the cat roams the meadow too. 


Do we take the stairs? Do we take the lift? (or)

Do we take the stairs or the lift?


His hair is too long. He refuses to go for a haircut. (although)

His hair is too long although he refuses to go for a haircut.


Robin inspires people to travel. Cora inspires people to travel. (as well as)

Robin as well as Cora inspire people to travel.


The king could appoint a master merchant. He was a king. (for)

The king could appoint a master merchant for he was a king.


Jill wants to go to school. She is sick.

Jill wants to go to school but/however/although she is sick.


We have a cat. My mom is scared of dogs. (as)

We have a cat as my mom is scared of dogs.


He is a bandit now. He was a merchant. (however)

He is a bandit now however he was a merchant.


I record stories. I publish stories. (too)

I record stories. I publish stories too. 

I record and publish stories too.


Fathers influence their sons. Fathers are their heroes. (because)

Fathers influence their sons because they are their heroes. 


The bandit steals marble. The bandit steals spices.

The bandit steals marble as well as spices.

The bandit steals marble and spices too.

The bandit steals marble and spices.