This signal word is indicative of acute toxicity by any route of entry that may result in death.
What is DANGER?
These areas represent This type of area that should be treated with special consideration when applying pesticides:
Apiaries, ornamental gardens, endangered species habitats, school and recreational grounds
What are sensitive areas?
The formula to find the area of a circle
area = 3.14 x radius2
A chemical treatment that controls insects and related arthropods
What is an insecticide?
This type of pesticide is absorbed and translocated within a plant or animal
What is a systemic pesticide?
This signal word indicates moderate toxicity
What is WARNING?
This term refers to the plant injury caused by chemical exposure to pesticides
The formula to find the area of a triangle
What is
basexxheight //(2)
A pesticide used to control predatory vertebrates (like coyotes)
What is a predacide?
Blights are just one type of turf disease that may have been spread by this process:
What is mowing?
This signal word indicates that the product may cause irritation to skin, eyes, or respiratory system. Labels are not required to list this.
What is CAUTION?
This term describes the atmospheric condition that contributes to spray drift,
where the air at ground level is cooler that the air above it
What is a temperature inversion?
The number of square feet in an acre
What is 43,560 sq feet?
A pesticide used to alter the growth or development of a plant or animal
What is a growth regulator?
Many turf diseases can be made worse by applying this product to the turf:
What is nitrogen?
What is fertilizer?
This sign appears on products that are highly toxic by what route of entry
What is every route of entry?
Pesticide movement away from the application side by wind or air current is referred to as this
What is drift?
Number of ounces in a gallon
what is 1285 oz?
What is a chemosterilant?
This type of pesticide must directly touch the pest or site to be treated
What is a contact pesticide?
The part of the pesticide packaging you should read
What is the whole entire label?
Pollution that comes from a specific, identifiable location, such as
back-siphoning into water supplies, repeated spilling of pesticides at mix sites, improper disposal of rinsate
What is point-source contamination?
The formula to find the area of a cone
What is
A pesticide that promotes drying or loss of moisture from plant tissues and insects
What is a desiccant?
The process of decontaminating an empty pesticide container by filling it with water, replacing the lid, shaking the container, and then pouring the rinsate into the spray tank.
This process is repeated three times.
What is triple rinsing?