When something is great, amazing, fantastic we can also say it is A _ _ _ _ _ E.
If you work 8 hours a day, 5 times a week, you work ____ - ____ .
Dlaczego jest Pan/Pani zainteresowany tą pracą?
Why are you interested in this job?
To explain why you are writing a job application letter for this particular position, you may start your corresondence with ...
I am interested in the current vacancy ...
Whan can we also call a (pop, rock) concert or a performance?
A formal meeting where somebody is asked questions to see if they are suitable for a job.
Dlaczego Pan/Pani uważa, że jest właściwym kandydatem?
What makes you the right person for this job?
Name three perosnal qualities that any employer will find useful:
1. friendly
2. outgoing
3. hard-working
4. polite
5. good at time keeping
If there is no possibility of getting what you want, you say: I don't s _ _ _ _ a c _ _ _ _ _.
I don't stand a chance.
The money that you receive for going a job.
Czy ma Pani/Pan odpowiednie kwalifikacje?
Have you got any relevant qualifications?
zajmowanie się
dealing with
A verb count means?
a ) the number of times you have done sth
b) qualify
Does it COUNT? = Does it QUALIFY?
Exams that you have passed or courses of study that you have successfully completed.
Chciał/-abym się dowiedzieć ile wynosi stawka (tygodniowa/dzienna/godzinna)?
I'd like to know what the wage is.
Będę wdzięczna/-y za odpowiedź.
I am looking forward to
- receiving you your reply
- hearing from you.
To WIND SB UP means:
- to bore sb
- to make sb happy
- to make fun of sb
to make fun of sb = to wind sb up
Are you winding me up? Wkręcasz mnie?
A person who is trying to get a job.
Praca wymaga podróżowania kilka razy w miesiącu.
The job involves travelling a few times a month.
Z poważaniem:
- znam nazwisko osoby do której piszę
- nie znam nazwiska osoby do której piszę
- Yours faithfully
- Yours sincerely
"To collect money for a good cause, helping the poor or the needy".
"To raise money for charity."
If you only work part of the day or week, you work ____ - _____.
Czy może mi Pan/-i powiedzieć jakie są godziny pracy?
Could you tell me what the (working) hours are?
Myślę, że będę dobrą kandydatką.
I think I would be a good person for this job.
If you work for a charitable organisation without getting paid for it, you work as a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.
A written record of your education and the jobs you have done.
Czy ma Pan/-i wcześniejsze doświadczenie w obsłudze klienta?
Have you worked serving customers before?
To sign.