Luke's dog Ripley was brought all the way from Washington, far away from where his breed was originally found! (Name the breed)
What is golden retriever
I don't need your ____
What is Opin-YUhn
We meet up at this school for bike rides (and we were raised there)
What is Richmond Elementary
This mustache ridden piece of trash has a great russian accent (not)
What is Toby
What is suicitis
Notice I put this vegan skeleton in the animals category!
What is ThatVeganTeacher
Her transformations were awe worthy
What is Mellisica Mellesica X
Calvins little brother does not like playing piano
What is Tabor
This science teacher is new to MTMS
What is Mr. Goldstein
What is anxietitis
Parakeet with blinditis
What is Bob
Cool; Synonym for zoolium
What is coolium
This show about superheros could use a better name, speaking of names, name both of the names in the title!
What is Wanda and Vision
Luke thought this elderly teacher was a homeless woman that wandered into the school
What is Mrs. Bailey
What is depressionitis/depressitis
Inspiring Calvin's username in roblox, this reptile also enjoys pooping in bathtubs
What is Smok
Typical courtesy response to ---itis
What is "I won't make fun!"
This pokemon usually wears a mustache and overalls
What is mario
Calvin and I share this teacher of ancient world
What is Sakai Sensei
What is malaritis
He's Hungry!
What is a crow
Coronavirus synonym
What is coronavitis/coronavititis
Calvin will NOT stop talking about SpaceX, launched by this multi-billionare
What is Elon Musk
The grading system the school uses has some faults, but no matter what grade you get, they all use this letter
What is P (hP, Pr, cP, nP)
What is canceritis