What 5 items are on the formula five?
Attention Getters, Validations, Line-up, Transition, and Brain Breaks.
What is the rat's name in Ratatouille
When a player wins the Heisman Trophy, what sport do they play?
What site is the closest to CSS?
What does GOAT mean?
Greatest of all time
What does the WWHAAT acronym stand for?
What, Why, How, Act it out, Ask, Try it.
Name all of the 7 dwarves.
Sneezy, Sleepy, Doc, Dopey, Bashful, Happy, and Grumpy
What does UFC stand for?
Ultimate Fighting Championship
Which site is located on Pitman Street and East Mission Avenue.
What game does the saying "sus" (for suspicious) come from?
Among us
What is the full address of the Palomar YMCA branch?
1040 North Broadway, Escondido CA 92025
What are the last names of the three Chris' who act as Marvel Superheroes?
Pratt, Hemsworth, and Evans
What sport has penalties or fouls for cross-checking, hooking, and charging?
Ice Hockey
Which site has the school mascot as a dolphin?
What does "cap" or "no cap" mean?
Cap means lie or fake. No cap means it is true.
What is Arlene's Y email?
What is the only Disney movie where the main character does not say a single word?
Where would you find a motherboard?
On a computer
Name all 5 sites that Toni (QPC) overlooks.
When somebody says you are "dog water" what does that mean?
You aren't good at something, or you suck.
Underneath/beside the YMCA logo, what three things does the YMCA say it is for?
For Youth Development, For Healthy Living, For Social Responsibility.
Disneyland has only ever closed down 4 times in its history. Other than COVID, name one day/reason that it closed down.
9/11, Northridge Earthquake, and J.F.K's death.
What is the tool called that is used to remove lug nuts from a tire?
Cross Iron or Tire Iron
Name all 11 official supervisors.
Ashley, Alyssa, Brittany, Melissa, Paulina, Daisy, Mayte, Olivia, Vickie, Jessica, and Gracie.
What does "snatched" mean?
Looks good, perfect, flawless, fashionable, or on fleek.