Healthy lifestyle
Mental health

What is a healthy lifestyle?

living in a state of physical, social, and mental well-being.


What is mental health?

Psychological, emotional, and social well being


What is physical activity?

Any activity maintaining physical health and well being, or any activity where muscles are worked.


What is nutrition? (extra points if you state 2 types of nutrients out of the six)

Nutrition is all processes in which nutrients are obtained by organisms in order to support life’s purpose. Nutrients: Carbohydrates / Lipids / Proteins / Water / Minerals / Vitamins


What are the three aspects to achieve a healthy lifestyle?

Mental health, exercise, and nutrition.


What are different types of mental health disorders (at least 2 examples)

Emotional disorders (Depression/anxiety)
Behavioral disorders (ADHD/OCD)
Eating disorders (Anorexia/Bulimia/Binge-eating)


State a type of workout (extra points if you state it`s benefits)

cardio: Strengthens lungs and heart / Flexibility: improves physical movement and helps with joint problems / Strength: Helps build larger and stringer muscles and builds stamina


How do we build a plate?

1/2 plate with non starchy vegetables / ¼ of plate with lean protein. ¼ of plate with Carbohydrates. 


Why is a healthy lifestyle important?

Healthy lifestyle=good health/organization/peace/happiness/contentment


How does mental health affect someone’s identity?

It affects how people think, act, feel, their relationships, and their confidence. All of these aspects are important in defining someone’s identity.


How does physical activity affect your identity (opinion)?

Some people are athletes and sports are a huge part of who they are. (no right or wrong answer / important question to think about.)


What is diet culture and how can we prevent ourselves from being exposed to it?

system promoting weight loss in a bad way / industry profiting off of insecurities. We should clean up our social media feed from people that make us feel bad. And we should understand that food is fuel, needed to nourish our bodies.


How does lifestyle affect your identity (opinion)?

There’s no right or wrong answer. But the question is important to think about.


Mental health vs physical health (which is more important and why?)

They balance and rely on each other. If one is negatively affected, the other is too. Ex: Mental health is bad=tired / Physical health is bad=sad and unmotivated.


How does physical activity affect the body? (state at least 2 benefits)

Heart disease / Strokes / Losing weight / Type 2 diabetes / Better skin / Aging slower


What are eating disorders and why are they dangerous?

Eating disorders are mental health problems, which are an obsession with food, body image, exercise. They are extremely dangerous because severe cases can lead to fainting, organ failure, or even death.


How can you deal with stress (at least 2 examples)

Meditation / Focus on interests and hobbies (sports, music, etc…) / Visualize it  / Talk about it / Schedule


How does physical activity affect the mind? (state at least 2 benefits)

Self confidence / more social involvement / Increase in energy / Better sleep / Improves cognitive skills / helps in treatment of depression and anxiety.


How does nutrition help in building a healthy mind?

Increasing protein=helping the brain regulate emotions / More nutrients=better sleep. GI tract is connected to the brain (good food= good mood) / Increase in memory.